Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent: Day Three

Happy Monday!

I'm usually not a big fan of Mondays, but I am very excited to get this show on the road. We have lots of fun things planned ahead this week. It is going to be a great one!

This morning was pretty low key. Addison was excited to see her treat in box number three. Now, all I have to say is "Are you ready for your box?" and she runs to her Minnie Mouse chair. I'm so glad she is getting the hang of this and thankfully she patiently waits until the next day for a new box.
Looking in Box Three
Today's surprise was four toy puppies. I saw these when we were picking up supplies for our advent calendar and knew she'd love them. They also were small enough to fit into the boxes so it was perfect.
Lining them up beside Bear
These entertained her all day. She would make them run around and bark & howl. She also liked to line them up right beside Bear. I've had my eye on similar toys at the Disney Store. Maybe Santa will leave some in her stocking! (:

It was just too nice outside to stay inside all day. We needed to drop off our rent for this month, so we took it as an opportunity for a lovely stroll around our apartment complex. Of course, we had to bring Bitty Baby with us. Addison pushed her baby's stroller the whole time & would not let me help at all. She is such an independent little stinker!

Enjoying our stroll this morning! 
Waiting in the Leasing Office
Addison was in dress up mode today. Of course when she brought out her Rapunzel braid we had to sing her favorite Tangled song.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was going to the Dickinson Festival of Lights. It is a free light display to walk through at a park and there are TONS of lights! It ended up being much better than I had expected. The only thing I would of liked to change was the weather. It was really hot & humid.
Light Tunnel
We brought the stroller with us because we weren't sure what to expect. It ended up not being crowded so Cameran bought her some popcorn and we let her walk. She was amazed by all of the lights and loved pointing everything out to us.
Always have to support our Aggies!

I'm glad one of the girls from our playgroup suggested this because it was a fun evening out for us! 

Addison & I in the Princess Castle of Lights
He's the Reason for the Season!

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