Friday, September 9, 2011

Welcome to My World

Let me Introduce myself.

My name is Lauren. I just turned 20 years YOUNG (I have to remind myself I am a lot younger than I think most of the time). I work at the local YMCA teaching swimming lessons and I have been engaged to the most wonderful guy coming up on a year now. I am currently attending college online until I am able to head back to the classroom & finish up my degree. I have not slept for more than 4 consecutive hours since October 2010, I am constantly stepping on little toys and a dog that never seems to get out of the way in time. I usually smell and am covered in baby food and I cannot get into my own kitchen without opening a gate. Yes! You guess it, I am a mommy. I have one sweet and wonderful daughter. Addison is 11 months and has changed my life in more ways to count. I am indeed a young mother, but as I always say... We met a little early & I get to love you a little longer <3

This is my blog--a place where I can vent, complain, boast & brag about my journey as a young mother.

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