Monday, September 17, 2012

Potty Training Try!

       We are a family that is ALWAYS on the go, especially in the fall. We travel for A&M football games, visit relatives, celebrate holidays & birthdays, etc. It is rare that we are actually home for an entire weekend and if we are home it is even more rare that we have no plans! That's why this weekend I thought we should take a shot at potty training.

It was a really lazy weekend (:

Addison is a month shy of being two and may not be ready for potty training just yet, but trying won't hurt anything. This past week she has been taking her diaper off every time she goes potty. She will even go in her room and bring me a clean diaper. So I thought let's give this a shot!

Princess Ariel Panties & Pink Potty Watch
We bought her a pink potty watch (which I actually LOVE) and her Uncle Brandon & Aunt Jennifer have given her princess panties a while back. She was really excited about the panties and kept showing them to us and telling us about the princesses. We had her drinking tons of liquids and even let her walk around with a "big girl" cup & straw. We were all set & ready for action!

Long story short, she refuses to use the potty. My stubborn daughter would rather hold it for hours than have to use the potty. Oh Addison, what are we going to do with you crazy girl! So, we decided to put it to rest for now and give her a bit more time.

Other fun things we did this weekend:
We gave each other pedicures!

Visited and enjoyed dinner with the Bylers.

Headed to Uncle "Felker" & Aunt Vicky's

Surprise Visit from Uncle Frank, Aunt Gordie, & McKenzie! They were in the area for a birthday party & dropped by. It was great to see them & they took us to dinner at Gringos. YUM!

Enjoying ice cream with Mac.

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