Monday, November 19, 2012

Little Gym & Miss Rev

This morning I woke up feeling pretty cruddy, but I pushed those feelings aside because today was our Little Gym Intro class! I have been looking forward to it all week. Since Addison is now 2 years old, we tried out the Beasts class at 9:30 with Katie & Anisa.

Addison was "shy" for about 5 whole minutes and then she was off! She loved exploring the Little Gym & trying out everything.  Her favorite was swinging from the bar.

Today's theme at TLG was walking in Zig Zags and also participating in the tumble-a-thon. Addison contributed ONE tumble and spent the rest of the minute popping leftover bubbles from the previous activity.
Riding on the track while it inflates!

 She did pretty well for being my crazy two year old and I'd love to continue classes with her. If anyone is wanting something to do with their toddler I'd definitely recommend The Little Gym.

Our other exciting plans for the day was meeting Reveille!

Addison & I headed to Galveston after dinner to meet up with Cameran and take Addison to see Reveille. There was a line of course, but thankfully it went pretty quickly and Addison had my phone as entertainment.

Addison loves animals so I knew she'd love Reveille. It was a fun short outing and I am thankful we had the opportunity to take her.

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