Saturday, December 1, 2012

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I can't believe that December is here already! This year has passed so quickly. I'm still in shock that I have a 2 year old on my hands and its been two months.

This year, I wanted to start a tradition with my little family since Addison is able to understand more of what is going on. I thought it would be really fun to start a toddler advent & just add & revise it every year. 

2012 Advent Calender
This is what I came up with! I wanted every activity to be something Addison would be able to participate in, have FUN days, learn the true meaning of Christmas, and days to give to others.  I ended up combining a bunch of ideas together and I am very happy with how it all turned out.

Looking in Box One
Each day Addison gets one of the small boxes and in each box is our Christmas craft/activity for the day along with a small piece of candy, toy, etc. Today we started day one! In her box was a small snowman lollipop. She could not have been more excited!
So happy with the snowman lollipop!
Our Christmas Activity was to watch the Polar Express (Cameran's favorite) as a family and drink hot chocolate. Well of course, I forgot this is Texas and it was in the 80s today so we skipped the hot chocolate. It was still very fun and helped me get into the Christmas spirit! It was nice just getting the opportunity to hang out all day with no agenda (very rare for us!). Addison loved the movie and watched every second of it. Her snowman lollipop lasted the entire movie as well and she was a huge sticky mess afterwards.

Enjoying Family time!
We also finally put our tree up! Addison thought the tree was so cool. She kept saying, "Wooowww! Its Christmas! I like it!" It was so cute.

Tree decorating actually ended up being a little dramatic (thanks to my 2 year old drama queen), but we have many more years of decorating the tree ahead of us.

Of course Bear hung her own personalized ornament! (: I am still on the lookout for Addison's 2012 Christmas ornament.

Addison admiring the finished Christmas Tree!

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