Friday, November 15, 2013

ABCS of Me

Addison is still at Gigi & Poppy's today. I am picking her up later, so here's another Quiz about me for now! (:

A - Age: 22 years young
B - Bed size: King & I still think its too small
C - Chore you hate: Putting away Laundry this is exactly why I restart the dryer 2 or 3 times. 
D - Drink of choice: I don't like the taste of alcohol. I know. Weird. So I'm gonna have to go with Cherry Coke.
E - Essential start to your day item: Probably my phone. I always hang in bed & do the "morning scroll" on fb before I get up. 
F - Favorite color: Pink
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H - Height: 5'1 1/2 & yes the 1/2 is important!
I - Instruments you play(ed): Piano. A little Guitar.
J - Job: Swim Instructor. 
K - Kids: Addison Braylen <3
L - Living arrangements: Live in a rental house with Cam, Addison, Tora. 
M - Mom's name: Okay, sing it with me.... ROOOOXXXANNE! 
N - Nicknames: These days its "Mommy"
O - Overnight hospital stay: Only time I've ever been in the hospital was when I had Addison.
P - Pets: Puppy named Tora & our Turtle Sheldon
Q - Quote from a movie:? "She doesn't even go here!" (I know, not creative). 
R - Right or left handed: Right hand.
S - Siblings: 17 year old brother, & 14 year old sister
T - Time you wake up: 7ish
U- Underwear: It is preferred. lol
V - Vegetable you dislike: zero! I love Veggies. 
W - What makes you run late: Addison
X - X-rays you've had: fingers when I broke them in 3rd grade
Y - Yummy food you make: I wouldn't call my food yummy just yet. 
Z - Zoo favorite: Giraffes of course!

Okay, I know that isn't anything interesting, but I'm home-alone & kid free. Not too much excitement except for laying in bed & watching netflix! Have a Happy Friday everyone! (: 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Slow Week

Well, we haven't had anything TOO exciting going on lately.

We spent all weekend lounging & doing literally nothing. Not too much fun to blog about, but everyone needs those kind of weekends every now & then.

I know I say it a lot, but he is such a good Daddy. 
Addison loves playing with her toys. Its so cute to watch & listen to the conversations her toys have. She plays so well by herself, but I absolutely love when Cam jumps in on the fun. It makes my heart melt to see him pretending to be Cinderella so he can play along with her. Its moments like this that I want to freeze and keep forever.

"Mom! My Barbies are tired. They are sleeping."
She also has gotten really into Barbies. She even has been asking for Barbie's Ultimate Dream Castle. (Thanks a lot commercial!) I thought maybe she would forget about it in a few days, but nope. Maybe we can convince "Santa" to leave it under the tree this year. Hm...we will have to see!

Other than that we have just been trying to stay warm! Cold weather is not for me.

We even busted out the footie pajamas & snuggled up to watch Turbo. She loved her Ariel pjs & when I showed her my footie pjs, it was pretty great. She thought it was the coolest thing ever. I know that won't last long & she will soon be embarrassed by them haha!

She wanted another picture by her sign. 
Addison is staying with Gigi & Poppy tonight. She was also there last night, but wasn't ready to leave just yet. Little Stinker! It was nice having a quiet day, but I'm ready for my troublemaker to get back home!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


It arrives faster every year. My sweet baby is THREE.

That is just crazy to me. Three sounds so much older & is definitely not a baby age anymore. I don't think it has hit me just yet or at least I haven't cried yet! (Surprising I know...)

We've been having such a great time with Addison. She can talk to us, be silly with us, understand so much more, & is completely potty trained! So maybe three isn't so bad after all. Of course she will always be my little baby no matter how old she gets.

Our last picture with our TWO year old!
We had a wonderful day to celebrate our big three year old! Cameran had to work, so Addison & I slept in & snuggled in bed until about 10. We had plans to meet my dad for lunch at Addison's favorite...chick-fil-a!

Gigi surprised us & came along too! She showed up at our house with balloons, ready to go. Addison was so excited. She said, "Are those MY balloons?!" with the biggest smile (:  Good thinking Gigi!

We enjoyed lunch & watched Addison play in the playground for a bit. Then it was time to tell Poppy goodbye & go present shopping!

We had to bring along our balloon dog! He is so cool and everyone we passed had a good laugh at Addison walking a balloon dog.

Addison picked out a few toys & some candy and we headed home. Thanks Gigi & Poppy!

Cameran & I had a few presents for Addison & we decided to go ahead and let her open them on her birthday instead of waiting for her party. Well, as I was getting them out to wrap (procrastinate much?) she saw me and was jumping up & down. So she didn't exactly "open" any presents from us, but she didn't seem to mind.

We also got her a little cake that she could enjoy on her actual birthday. She loves to sing Happy Birthday to everybody so it was exciting that it was finally her turn!

Then, Peaches came by to visit! She opened a few presents from Peaches and then we spent the rest of the night playing outside.
 Cameran brought out a bunch of glow sticks & she had a glow stick jumping party on the trampoline. It was a wonderful day! I'm so thankful for these past three years with my silly girl & can't wait to see what else is in store!