Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Space Shuttle Endeavor

We woke up bright & early today! It was a big & exciting day for us. We were going to see the Space Shuttle Endeavor flyover Houston.

Our day started off with a BLUE bath. I was pretty nervous it was going to dye Addison or our bathtub blue, but it worked perfectly and Addison loved it. She kept saying "boo" water and splashing around. 

After bath time, I packed her diaper bag FULL of colors, stickers, snacks, & coloring books and we hit the road! I wasn't sure how crazy this was going to be and I was pretty nervous about going by myself. I changed my mind 100 times on whether or not we should go, but Cameran insisted I take Addison. 

It was BEAUTIFUL outside!

 As I was driving to Ellington Field, I noticed cars pulling over on the sides of the road and parking lots packed. I saw a grass lot on the right and decided to park there along with several other cars. I had never been to Ellington before and figured this was probably as close as we were going to get and at least we would get to see it fly over.

Picking flowers while watching Endeavor

I parked the car and put Addison in the front seat with me and set her up with a coloring book & crayons. As soon as she was situated I noticed everyone pulling out their cameras and jumping on top of their cars. I quickly grabbed Addison and we saw it fly right over our heads. It was too cool & I was silently thanking Cameran for making us come.

It flew in circles around us and came right over us 3 more times and on the last time it landed on the runway in front of us. I had no idea we were that close and it was pretty neat to see. Everyone jumped in their cars and started heading toward Ellington to go see the shuttle up close. I knew nap time would be soon & the wait would probably be insane so we decided to head home for a nap.

                                                           Video of Endeavor landing!

After nap time, I had to head to work, but we had plans on going to check out the shuttle up close with my friend Lynette. Wednesday is Cameran's long day at school and had class until 9:30 so he wasn't able to come with us.

On the way, there was tons of traffic and it was getting pretty dark. We found a parking spot and started the long walk towards the shuttle. Addison kept running & yelling "Hurry! Hurry!" and it was pretty funny. We aren't sure why she thought we needed to hurry. Maybe she was just excited to get there. She eventually got tired and wanted to be carried. Lynette and I switched off carrying her and we eventually made it to the shuttle. 

Addison & I

Lynette & Addison

It was amazing to see up close and a special moment to share with Addison. Its not everyday you get to see a space shuttle! (:

Addison taking pictures of Endeavor

We had a great time and shared many laughs. I'm thankful to have such a sweet friend that is brave enough to venture out with me & my crazy girl!

My rebel child kept going on the other side of the rope! 

 Afterwards, we enjoyed a FREE burger at Mooyahs! It was a pretty great day for us! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jump N Jungle Tuesday!

Today we tried out Jump N Jungle. I was nervous about going because I wasn't sure how Addison would be on the inflatables, but she did great! It could not have gone any better! It was pretty empty because school is back in session so I didn't have to worry about her getting run over. She wasn't a big fan of the actual jumping bounce house and would only stay in it if I was holding her and jumping.

Obstacle Course
More obstacle course fun!
 Her favorites were the slide and obstacle course. If anyone needs a good workout, they can borrow her and carry her up the slide stairs over & over & over! (:

Taking a break from all the jumping fun!

 Video of Addison in action on the slide! 

Afterwards, we went to Angie's Cake Balls! We "checked-in" on facebook and got a free cookie with a birthday cake "cupkey" (This is what Addison calls the cake balls).

Kitchen at Angie's Cake Balls
I enjoy our little outings and will be sad when these days are over. Addison, you are my favorite sidekick & partner in crime. I'm glad we met a little early because I get to love you a little longer <3

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Monday!

Monday was a lazy day for us! Addison slept in until 9:30 (MIRACLE!) and we just hung out at home for the day. It was much cooler than normal, so we enjoyed outside while walking Bear around the apartments.

I had to wake Addison up from her nap to teach swim lessons at the YMCA. She was not a happy camper & insisted on bringing her "babies' with her. When I picked her up from child watch they let me know she beat up on a little boy for trying to take one of her babies. Needless to say, we probably will not be taking them with us any longer.
Addiebear with her babies!
When we got home she was a Daddy's girl! She spent the rest of the afternoon using Cameran as a coloring table, playing airplane, and snuggling while watching Curious George.

 Nothing makes my heart melt more than seeing them two together. <3

Potty Training Try!

       We are a family that is ALWAYS on the go, especially in the fall. We travel for A&M football games, visit relatives, celebrate holidays & birthdays, etc. It is rare that we are actually home for an entire weekend and if we are home it is even more rare that we have no plans! That's why this weekend I thought we should take a shot at potty training.

It was a really lazy weekend (:

Addison is a month shy of being two and may not be ready for potty training just yet, but trying won't hurt anything. This past week she has been taking her diaper off every time she goes potty. She will even go in her room and bring me a clean diaper. So I thought let's give this a shot!

Princess Ariel Panties & Pink Potty Watch
We bought her a pink potty watch (which I actually LOVE) and her Uncle Brandon & Aunt Jennifer have given her princess panties a while back. She was really excited about the panties and kept showing them to us and telling us about the princesses. We had her drinking tons of liquids and even let her walk around with a "big girl" cup & straw. We were all set & ready for action!

Long story short, she refuses to use the potty. My stubborn daughter would rather hold it for hours than have to use the potty. Oh Addison, what are we going to do with you crazy girl! So, we decided to put it to rest for now and give her a bit more time.

Other fun things we did this weekend:
We gave each other pedicures!

Visited and enjoyed dinner with the Bylers.

Headed to Uncle "Felker" & Aunt Vicky's

Surprise Visit from Uncle Frank, Aunt Gordie, & McKenzie! They were in the area for a birthday party & dropped by. It was great to see them & they took us to dinner at Gringos. YUM!

Enjoying ice cream with Mac.