Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Monday!

Monday was a lazy day for us! Addison slept in until 9:30 (MIRACLE!) and we just hung out at home for the day. It was much cooler than normal, so we enjoyed outside while walking Bear around the apartments.

I had to wake Addison up from her nap to teach swim lessons at the YMCA. She was not a happy camper & insisted on bringing her "babies' with her. When I picked her up from child watch they let me know she beat up on a little boy for trying to take one of her babies. Needless to say, we probably will not be taking them with us any longer.
Addiebear with her babies!
When we got home she was a Daddy's girl! She spent the rest of the afternoon using Cameran as a coloring table, playing airplane, and snuggling while watching Curious George.

 Nothing makes my heart melt more than seeing them two together. <3

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