Friday, March 15, 2013

Beach House

Sunday we headed to Surfside Beach for a couple of days. My family and some family friends always stay in a beach house together for Spring Break. We usually stay for a few days with them as they vacation. This year it was the Smiths, Striblings, Crawford/Kehlenbecks, Meyers, and the Strodes.

The first two days it was really windy and the water was SO cold. I was surprised Addison willingly went in! 

Kelsey, Morgan, & I took her too far out and we ended up scaring her. The waves were really strong from the wind and they would knock her down. She wasn't as willing to run back in the water afterwards, but its okay because I really didn't want to go back in the cold water either!

Warming up by the Fire after a quick swim in the Ocean!
Addison would play and play in the water & sand. As soon as she was ready to head back to the beach house she would start walking back by herself. We'd catch up and rinse her off and she would go straight into the house, up the stairs, right for Jenna's bed. Jenna had a cozy little set up in a corner with a TV. It was away from most of the distractions and she would start watching a movie and relax and then want to head back out.

Addison & Jenna enjoying a movie.

Addison & Baby Kam!
Flying a Kite
Morgan & Addison headed to the Beach!
The day we headed home was beautiful! It was nice and warm and made for a perfect beach day. We even had a great picnic lunch with my mom and sister! The boys went Deep Sea Fishing for the day.

Addison's favorite thing about the beach was playing in the sand. She really enjoyed making Sand Castles. After we finished the Castles she would say "Wreck It!" & knock them down. Someone's been watching too much Wreck It Ralph!

Our Beach House is the one on the far left.

There were a group of people riding horses along the beach. The leader of the group saw Addison and turned around and let her check out the horse. It was sweet and she loved it!

We had a great time and I already miss all of the company. It was a fun group and we even made a Harlem Shake video. Be sure to check it out! (:

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of her holding the baby. She's so cute!
