Saturday, March 23, 2013

Catch Up & Poppy & Gigi's

I am way behind. No surprise. There will be lots of pictures in today's post so beware.

Friday night I had my monthly Spazmatics date with Lynette. This time we dressed up and it was my favorite show to date.
We had a great time and got another picture with our favorite Spaz Joey!

Cameran's roommate from our Freshman year at TAMUG was in town with his family. He came over and visited with us for a while. It was good to see him and we stayed up pretty late talking about the "old days". It's crazy to see how much we have all grown since we first met. 

We took our 2013 Easter Bunny picture at the Baybrook mall. I was sure this was the year she was going to cry. Instead, she saw the Bunny & said "Mommy I sit on Bunny". Thankful for another successful year!

I met up with my mom on Monday. My parents were going to watch Addison for a couple of days while Cameran & I went to a Maroon 5 concert.
Here are some pictures from Addison's trip to Gigi & Poppy's.

One of Addison's favorite things is to "jump with Gigi". Addison calls my mom AND my sister Gigi & I am not sure why. She knows my sister's name, but it is hilarious because it drives my sister crazy!

Another favorite at Gigi & Poppy's is spending time at the pond & feeding the ducks. My mom & Addison had a picnic at the pond, flew a kite, & fed the ducks. They also checked out the duck eggs! Hopefully they will get a chance to hatch. It would be so fun with baby duckys running around the pond.

I have only been out to fed the ducks once, but Addison has been several times. One time the ducks came right up to her and she could of hand fed them if she wanted too. I am so glad she is an animal lover. It has been so fun.

They also had a small incident. I thought it was pretty funny, but it freaked out my mom. Addison stuck a corn kernel up her nose.

We went to see Owl City, Neon Trees, & Maroon 5 Tuesday night with Arin. Owl City was disappointing and Neon Trees was okay, but Maroon 5 was amazing! I'd love to see them again.

I'll wrap up today's post with Adam Levine. <3

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