Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break Randoms

Sadly, we had to leave Surfside Beach. Cameran had to go back to work so Addison & I settled for the next best thing...POOL TIME! She was ecstatic to go swimming and to get a chance to play with her Rapunzel diving toys she's been eying all winter.

The water was REALLY chilly, but she still wanted to stay and play. I'm sure as soon as it warms up we will be back quite often.
Blowing bubbles! (Sorry, its the Swim Instructor in me!)
Addison & her "Swimming Glasses"
We stayed at the pool for about an hour, but it was getting pretty cold. She was sad to leave and told the pool "Bye Water. I love you." Yup. She is definitely my child.

On Thursday, we went over to Mishell & Katie's house for a playdate. It was a nice day so we took the girls to the backyard.
Avery, Sarah, & Addison.
We had to be referees most of the time. Two year olds are so much fun, especially my little stinker. I use to worry that she'd get run all over, but that is NOT the case at all, at least not anymore.

Playhouse outside is so much fun!
Friday we had a low-key morning. We spent most of the day walking Bear & playing on the patio.
We even found a baby lizard on the outside of the window. Addison loves lizards and he stuck around our window for quite a while. She will still go back to the same spot and ask for him.
Hope all of your enjoyed your Spring Break!

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