Friday, July 26, 2013

I don't know about you but,

I'm feeling twenty-two.

That of course was my theme song on Tuesday.

22. I sure don't feel 22, maybe more like 32.

Sleeping in! 
We started off our day LATE & it was wonderful. Addison & Tora slept in until 10. I couldn't believe it. I was sure one of them would wake up early & wake up the other. That was a perfect birthday gift to me from my two crazies. The gift of sleep...ahhhh (:

So much love. 
We enjoyed our lunch outside & went for a short walk with Tora. It was a very low-key day, but I loved every minute of it. Nothing is better than spending the day with my two favorite girls. It was also  relaxing to just stay at home & keep it simple.

Ready for Mommy's Birthday Dinner!
After I got off work, Frank, Gordie, Kelsey, Trevor, & McKenzie came by and met Tora. Then we went to dinner at Atami's. I had never been there yet, but I love habachi grills & I thought Addison would stay entertained.

It was super yummy & it was fun! I loved watching Addison take it all in. We had a great time & had great company. Thank you guys for coming down & taking me to dinner! I felt special & it was a great ending to my day. (:

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