Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I haven't blogged in quite a while. There's much to update & maybe one day I'll get around to it. Who knows...
Throwback Family Picture.
One of the big things that happened to us was we lost our sweet baby Bear. It is a big loss for us & we are still dealing with it. Some people may not understand, but she was our first baby before we had Addison. We loved & treated her like she was our own child. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of her & I am so thankful for all of our good memories we had with her.

So much love.
 The question of the hour was would we get another dog? For a while we were very against it and we sure didn't think it would be this soon. It would be so hard to have another dog other than our Bear around the house, but then an opportunity appeared & we decided to just go for it. We thought if the new puppy was as half as great as Bear was, she would make us very happy.

So, here is the newest family member...Tora!

Addison, my dad and I picked her up from the airport cargo on Monday. As soon as I saw her sweet little face & big ears I fell in love.

Waiting for her arrival!
She has been a joy to have & its been great having some puppy love back into our house. We've had a "Bear-shaped hole" in our hearts & Tora has been a big help to our family.

Its been quite interesting trying to Potty Train TWO (Addison & Tora) at one time. I feel like my life revolves around going to the bathroom these days. I'll update more on that later.

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