Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Houston Zoo

I have really been missing all of my Bay Area Mommy Friends. At the time, we really had not been active in the Katy playgroup yet & been busy dealing with house drama. (Update coming soon!) Addison & I have been going stir crazy & we def missed seeing our friends every week. So, we planned a Zoo meetup with our former Playgroup.
The Crew!
It was nice to be reunited with some good friends. I'm thankful we can still meet-up inside the loop of Houston every now & then!
Lego Gorilla
Lego Giraffe
It was a HOT day, but we had a great time. The Zoo has a Lego animal exhibit right now & it was pretty cool. I don't think Addison enjoyed it as much as I did, but I'm glad we made the trip to see it before it left.
Lego Flamingos
After the Lego exhibit, we started heading towards the giraffes. I think sometimes that is the only reason we even go to the Zoo. The moment we pull into the Zoo parking lot, Addison asks to go see the giraffes. If I ask her if she wants to go to the Zoo she says "See Katie & Feed the Giraffes!"

Addison & Katie on the Carousel.
Mishell & I.
We had a few minutes before they opened the Giraffe feeding so the girls rode the Carousel. Addison & Katie are carousel pros & let Mishell & I ride next to them instead of standing beside them.  It was fun & the girls loved it. Mishell & I may have had a little too much fun taking "selfies" during the ride. 
Action Shot!
Gavin & Addison feeding the giraffes.

Finally, the moment we have all been waiting for! Giraffe Feeding time!
Headed Home!
We then had lunch near the giraffes (I'm telling you these guys MAKE the zoo trip) & got to catch up with our friends. It was a good trip just SUPER hot! I'm so glad they decided to brave the heat with us. We will have to do it again soon & someplace indoors!

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