Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ring Dunk & Lake Time!

To kickoff our busy weekend, Cameran finished his FINAL project for school & had his ring dunk. I met Cameran down in Galveston and we had dinner with some of his friends. Then we headed to Jamaica Beach for his ring dunk.

He dunked his ring with two of his friends, Sean & Laura. I can't remember his dunking time, but I think it was around 1 minute 30 seconds. It was pretty entertaining & I am glad he finally decided to dunk his ring. If you are not an Aggie & curious about what a ring dunk even is... Here ya go! (: 

Saturday Morning, I had to work Healthy Kids Day at the YMCA and then we headed to Navasota. Of course, we had to feed the ducks! 

Sunday, we were up & ready bright & early to take pictures of Cameran for graduation. I was hoping to sneak in a few family photos, but Addison was not in the picture taking mood. We did get great pictures of Cam, but I have yet to post them. Ahhhh, Maybe one day soon (: 

It was thankfully a sunny day & the rain stayed away so we made a quick trip to Lake Somerville. I've been dying to go to the lake. When I was still in high school, we would make trips to the lake often & stay for a week. I haven't been to the lake in several years.

Addison has been hanging out in my dad's boat at their house & I thought she'd love to take it in the water & actually ride on it. 

The Kehlenbeck/Crawford crew came out with us! We had Frank's boat & my dad's and we would switch back & forth in between boats. We tubed, skiied, & kneeboarded. The only downside was the water was freezing! 

Addison even tubed! She loved it. She rode with me & also Kelsey & McKenzie. It was a nice quick getaway & hopefully there will be more of these days this summer!

We headed back to Navasota & Kelsey & I stopped by the Blue Barrel for a bit of shopping. The store was closing & Amanda & Aunt Gordie were going through everything getting it ready for clearance sales. We found these big, lacy, old wedding dresses in a back room. 

So of course, we put them on & had a bridal photo shoot late at night.

I did buy a bunch of cute dresses for Addison from the Blue Barrel! 

Alright, this post is getting long, but the last event to get caught up on for this week is Cameran's scholarship dinner.
I've been Cameran's date to this dinner all 4 years of college. Its crazy to see how far we've come. This was our final dinner since he will be graduating. We've been so blessed that Cameran's college was completely paid for. It helped us out so much in this season of our lives.

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