Thursday, September 12, 2013

Life in Katy

Well, I guess its about time I not only write a new post, but also update on how things are going in our new town.

We've been here just a little over three months and most of the time I still feel like a stranger. I know I need to give it more time, but its hard not to want to run back to Texas City. Don't get me wrong I love this new chapter we have started, but TC was our first home away from home so its been hard to part with. I'm sure with more time I will love Katy just as much.

Rental Sweet Rental
Our House: I love it! Its nice having so much extra room and a yard to play in. I think the best part may be no longer having to walk up a flight of stairs to carry in groceries or no longer being kept up at night by the elephants who lived above us. It also has been fun to finally update everything and decorate!
Living Room.
             We did hit a bit of a rough patch with our house, but thankfully it is finally all sorted out. Our A/C would not cool the house below 78 degrees and we could just be sitting on the couch and start sweating. It was awful. The management company that was in charge of our house sent out maintenance three times and it still would have no change.
A peak of Addison's reading nook/color/play area & the kitchen
           Finally they called one evening and said the owner of our rental home would not be fixing the A/C so we could deal with it or find elsewhere to live. SUPER frustrating. We hadn't even been here an entire month, why would we want to repack everything and go house hunting again? It became this big ugly mess with the owner dropping the management company and management company not wanting to talk to us and the owner saying we aren't her tenants and she has never gotten any rent or even heard of us...yeah I know crazy?!
Front Entry...Wall are so bare. Work in Progress (:
Cam's office & Master Bedroom. LOVE that he has this space.

        Super long twisted crazy story short the owner sold the house and we now have a new owner! He has been wonderful. He came by to look at the house one day to potentially buy and he met my little family and he told us to stay, he'd take over and we can keep renting from him. We had a brand new A/C unit a couple days later and have not had any more issues. BIG blessing.
We have a nice park, soccer fields, even a baseball field just a walk away
Work: I started working at the YMCA here in Katy. Well, I guess its technically in Houston. It has been different. I can't complain because they are wonderful with my difficult schedule and Addison always gets to come with me, but its just not the same as my old Y. Maybe its just all my co-workers I miss. If any of you guys are reading this... I miss you!! I probably just need to give it more time as well. I start up with the Swim Team in October so that should be fun. (:
I do LOVE the indoor pool. Its been a cool summer inside (:
Friends: Addison & I have joined a playgroup here in Katy! They are a really active group & we have been having lots of fun with them. Still consider myself a newbie, but I'm working on that. I really like the way they set-up their group. Everyone hosts one play-date a month and they put out the dates on all the days and what they are (National Pancake Day, Talk like a Pirate Day, etc.) to help with inspiration. There is always a huge variety of ideas and its fun to mix it up every month. I sure do miss my Bay Area friends (Mommy Friends & Non-Mommy friends) though. They are what I miss the most.

Playdate Fun!
Overall, Katy has been great to us. Cameran likes his job & he is on the company soccer team & gets to play in a soccer game once a week. We finally have a normal schedule and get three day weekends every other week. (Its AMAZING!) We even get to see my family more often & have lunch dates with my dad. Yes, some days I'd rather be back in good ol' Texas City, but I know it can only get better as we settle more down here. 

Lunch date with Poppy!


  1. I miss my fiends the MOST,,, it's hard to start over. So glad the house situation got resolved and I'm sure that makes it much better. At least you have found a good group. That just takes time.

    When's the wedding?

    1. That's the question of the hour...No set date yet, but 2014. (:
