Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ring Dunk & Lake Time!

To kickoff our busy weekend, Cameran finished his FINAL project for school & had his ring dunk. I met Cameran down in Galveston and we had dinner with some of his friends. Then we headed to Jamaica Beach for his ring dunk.

He dunked his ring with two of his friends, Sean & Laura. I can't remember his dunking time, but I think it was around 1 minute 30 seconds. It was pretty entertaining & I am glad he finally decided to dunk his ring. If you are not an Aggie & curious about what a ring dunk even is... Here ya go! (: 

Saturday Morning, I had to work Healthy Kids Day at the YMCA and then we headed to Navasota. Of course, we had to feed the ducks! 

Sunday, we were up & ready bright & early to take pictures of Cameran for graduation. I was hoping to sneak in a few family photos, but Addison was not in the picture taking mood. We did get great pictures of Cam, but I have yet to post them. Ahhhh, Maybe one day soon (: 

It was thankfully a sunny day & the rain stayed away so we made a quick trip to Lake Somerville. I've been dying to go to the lake. When I was still in high school, we would make trips to the lake often & stay for a week. I haven't been to the lake in several years.

Addison has been hanging out in my dad's boat at their house & I thought she'd love to take it in the water & actually ride on it. 

The Kehlenbeck/Crawford crew came out with us! We had Frank's boat & my dad's and we would switch back & forth in between boats. We tubed, skiied, & kneeboarded. The only downside was the water was freezing! 

Addison even tubed! She loved it. She rode with me & also Kelsey & McKenzie. It was a nice quick getaway & hopefully there will be more of these days this summer!

We headed back to Navasota & Kelsey & I stopped by the Blue Barrel for a bit of shopping. The store was closing & Amanda & Aunt Gordie were going through everything getting it ready for clearance sales. We found these big, lacy, old wedding dresses in a back room. 

So of course, we put them on & had a bridal photo shoot late at night.

I did buy a bunch of cute dresses for Addison from the Blue Barrel! 

Alright, this post is getting long, but the last event to get caught up on for this week is Cameran's scholarship dinner.
I've been Cameran's date to this dinner all 4 years of college. Its crazy to see how far we've come. This was our final dinner since he will be graduating. We've been so blessed that Cameran's college was completely paid for. It helped us out so much in this season of our lives.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bayou Wildlife Take 2

We went to the Alvin Wildlife Park about a year ago with our playgroup. Addison looooved it & we had such a great time. I was thrilled that our playgroup was planning a trip to go back right before our move!

As soon as we drove into the park, Addison kept laughing and saying "Oh look at the goats! Look at the llamas! Look at the giraffes!" She was so excited about every animal & this was just looking out the window in the car.

Bucket of Feed Ready!
When you get on the tram,  they give you a bucket of feed. As they give the tour, animals walk up to the side of the tram & chow down on the feed. It is a neat experience & one of my favorite things to do with Addison.

She is just a little TOO brave around animals for me. Last time, she tried to hand feed the ostriches & this time she was petting the buffalo.

The animals weren't as aggressive this time around. There were several other trams before us, so I think they were done eating for the morning. We did get to feed an ostrich & zebra though!

 After our tram ride, we enjoyed some lunch with our friends. Next up: Petting Zoo! I could NOT get Addison to leave the petting zoo. It took a long time & a lot of convincing for her to even consider leaving.  She especially loved the baby goats.

The only way to get her to leave was a pony ride! She did so well. I am so glad she is such an animal lover.

We had a wonderful time with our friends.
Crazy girls!

Addison's favorite the Giraffes!
It was such a big morning as soon as we got home Addison crashed!

Friday, May 17, 2013


I'm sure I will never be caught up & I've decided I'm perfectly okay with that. I'll just blog when I can & slowly get there.

I want to blog to not only share our (well Addison's) life with others who are interested, but also so that I can have it to look back on. I think it would be pretty cool for Addison to be able to come and look back on so many of our memories (good & bad).

My time with her is short & I have quickly realized it flies by. This is such a great way to cherish & save each of our memories. I've been a "blogger" for less than a year & I already love to look back at older posts.

One of the reasons I never get around to posting is because I spend way too much time trying to entertain my readers & keep them interested, but I've realized this isn't for them. I'm doing this for ME. If people are interested & keep reading then great, but if it ends up only being me I'll be perfectly okay with that. (:

This week (April 22nd) I finally took her to the pool. It warmed up enough (or so I thought) and we had no other plans. I asked her if she wanted to go swimming & she started jumping for joy and running through our apartment saying "Swimming Yaaaaaaay! Swimming! Swimming! Swimming!". It was adorable & made me smile. I love that she is such a water baby.

The water ended up being pretttttty dang cold or I've just gotten spoiled in the heated pool at the YMCA. Addison still wanted to get in so I sucked it up & jumped in. Brrrrr!

She was really timid at first. It surprised me a little, but once we got going she had a blast. She isn't near as brave as she was last summer, but I'm actually thankful for that. We will definitely have to spend a lot of our summer swimming this year. I'm PRETTY sure the neighborhood we are moving to has a pool! The ONLY downside of leaving the apartments! We will find out more about that this next week.

We stayed at the pool most of the morning. She loves all of the pool toys, especially this princess ring. She swims around the whole pool with it. The swim instructor in me makes her take it off & swim without it as well & she does not always like it. Sorry I can't help it!

Snuggles with Daddy

Friday, May 3, 2013

Morgan's 14th Birthday

Saturday, Cameran & I headed to Navasota to help out my mom with my sister's 14th birthday party. I can't believe Morgan is already 14. I remember begging my parents for a little sister & praying for her to come every chance I had. Now, she is growing up so quickly & still as beautiful as ever. (: Love you sis! 
Our Team we drove around town. This picture was find Smith street & take a picture.
Mojo's party was a scavenger hunt. Cameran & I were on a team together as the drivers. Morgan's friends got a list of certain things to find, crazy things to do & had to document it all on Instagram #Morgans14bday. It was really fun & brought back lots of memories from my church youth group days.
"W" for WINNERS!
Our team was the WINNERS! (: We completed all the tasks & even all of the bonuses, but had a tough judge (my mother). I think only 2 of our pictures ended up not counting. I think the drivers ended up being more competitive against each other than the kids.

The Group. Addison snuck into their picture.
Addison stayed behind during the scavenger hunt with Granny, my brother, & my parents. She had a great time at the party and enjoyed lots of attention & lots of cupcakes.  
Kelsey & Addison
Birthday Girl & Addison
Afterwards, we stayed and hung out with my family for a while. My mom & dad made two big balloon columns & Addison got to play in all the balloons after it was taken apart.