Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bayou Wildlife Take 2

We went to the Alvin Wildlife Park about a year ago with our playgroup. Addison looooved it & we had such a great time. I was thrilled that our playgroup was planning a trip to go back right before our move!

As soon as we drove into the park, Addison kept laughing and saying "Oh look at the goats! Look at the llamas! Look at the giraffes!" She was so excited about every animal & this was just looking out the window in the car.

Bucket of Feed Ready!
When you get on the tram,  they give you a bucket of feed. As they give the tour, animals walk up to the side of the tram & chow down on the feed. It is a neat experience & one of my favorite things to do with Addison.

She is just a little TOO brave around animals for me. Last time, she tried to hand feed the ostriches & this time she was petting the buffalo.

The animals weren't as aggressive this time around. There were several other trams before us, so I think they were done eating for the morning. We did get to feed an ostrich & zebra though!

 After our tram ride, we enjoyed some lunch with our friends. Next up: Petting Zoo! I could NOT get Addison to leave the petting zoo. It took a long time & a lot of convincing for her to even consider leaving.  She especially loved the baby goats.

The only way to get her to leave was a pony ride! She did so well. I am so glad she is such an animal lover.

We had a wonderful time with our friends.
Crazy girls!

Addison's favorite the Giraffes!
It was such a big morning as soon as we got home Addison crashed!

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