Friday, May 17, 2013


I'm sure I will never be caught up & I've decided I'm perfectly okay with that. I'll just blog when I can & slowly get there.

I want to blog to not only share our (well Addison's) life with others who are interested, but also so that I can have it to look back on. I think it would be pretty cool for Addison to be able to come and look back on so many of our memories (good & bad).

My time with her is short & I have quickly realized it flies by. This is such a great way to cherish & save each of our memories. I've been a "blogger" for less than a year & I already love to look back at older posts.

One of the reasons I never get around to posting is because I spend way too much time trying to entertain my readers & keep them interested, but I've realized this isn't for them. I'm doing this for ME. If people are interested & keep reading then great, but if it ends up only being me I'll be perfectly okay with that. (:

This week (April 22nd) I finally took her to the pool. It warmed up enough (or so I thought) and we had no other plans. I asked her if she wanted to go swimming & she started jumping for joy and running through our apartment saying "Swimming Yaaaaaaay! Swimming! Swimming! Swimming!". It was adorable & made me smile. I love that she is such a water baby.

The water ended up being pretttttty dang cold or I've just gotten spoiled in the heated pool at the YMCA. Addison still wanted to get in so I sucked it up & jumped in. Brrrrr!

She was really timid at first. It surprised me a little, but once we got going she had a blast. She isn't near as brave as she was last summer, but I'm actually thankful for that. We will definitely have to spend a lot of our summer swimming this year. I'm PRETTY sure the neighborhood we are moving to has a pool! The ONLY downside of leaving the apartments! We will find out more about that this next week.

We stayed at the pool most of the morning. She loves all of the pool toys, especially this princess ring. She swims around the whole pool with it. The swim instructor in me makes her take it off & swim without it as well & she does not always like it. Sorry I can't help it!

Snuggles with Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel obligated, that's a good perspective you have. IT's just now getting warm enough to start heating the water. I need to check that out because I'm pasty!
