Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013 Edition

Alright, I know this is really late, but I've been a slacker lately. We mailed out the Grandparent Valentine's cards last week & I wanted them to see them in person before I posted them on here.
Addison helping make Cookies for friends.
My mom was over one day Valentine's week and we went to working on finishing up on Valentine's for Addison's friends and my swim team. I am so thankful she was here because it was a lot more work then I was expecting. (THANKS MOM!) Addison even got to help out this year. Her job was to roll the dough in sugar. Yummy!

Addison & Gigi
Ready to Pass out Valentines!
The next day was our Valentine's lunch with Addison's playgroup. It ended up being a cold day and most of the playgrounds were muddy so the playdate got moved to McDonalds. I wasn't a huge fan of the playground there, but it was great to see our friends.

Here are our Valentines we made for the playgroup: 


I saw this idea on Pinterest (of course) and LOVED it. One of Addison's favorite things to play with is these little animals and thought it was a great idea because its not just more candy! 

We also made these cookies because its not Valentine's day without at least a little chocolate & I thought the moms could enjoy them too. I wish I had a better picture, but the chocolate in the middle is heart-shaped. 

We started off Valentine's Day with a yummy breakfast! 

It fell on a Thursday this year and we had Little Gym. 

Afterwards, we had lunch with Mishell & Carly and headed home to finish up Cameran's Valentine. 

I saw this Root Beer Float Kit on Pinterest and thought it was cute. We never do anything big or out of the ordinary for Valentine's day so it was perfect. Also, Cameran is a big fan of things like root beer floats. Two weeks later and we are still making root beer floats. YUMMY! (: 

We made Addison a little Princess-themed Valentine's basket. She loved it, especially the candy. 

Cameran surprised me with two charms from James Avery. The giraffe and A Key to my Heart charm. I loved them both.

I ended the day with Swim Team practice with my Perry Penguins. We made these Penguin Oreo Pops when my mom was over. They were a big hit. It was a great Valentine's for us!

Here are the Cards for Grandparents. I originally wanted to make them all the handprints, but Addison was NOT a fan and it ended up being harder then I thought. I decided to just let her have more freedom and taped down a heart and just let her paint her little heart out. She liked that plan much better.

Dropping off the cards at the Mailbox

Friday, February 22, 2013

Countdown of Me

I haven't blogged in a while and have plans to catch up. Until then, I saw this fun countdown on my friend Carly's blog. So here is a little more about me!

TEN of my favorite foods
1-Wings n More Wings (Only the restaurants in College Station)
2-Uncle Frank's Steak
4-Bacon Wrapped Peppers
5- Guacamole and chips
6-Grilled Squash and Zucchini
7- Buffalo Wild Wings wrap
8-Papadeux "Fondeaux" & Jumbo Shrimp Brochette
9- Grilled Corn with Mayo and Tony's
10-Chocolate covered Strawberries

NINE of my all-time favorite movies
1-P.S. I love you
2-Pitch Perfect
4-The Help
5-13 going on 30
8-How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
9-My Big Fat Greek Wedding

EIGHT celebrities I'd like to marry:
1- Zac Efron
2- Adam Levine
3- Ryan Gosling
4-Ryan Reynolds
5-Channing Tatum
6-Chace Crawford
7-Skylar Austin
8-Gerard Butler

SEVEN things I'm loving right now:
1- Girl Scout Cookies
2-My James Avery Charm Bracelet
3-My Kindle
5-My monthly Spazmatic date with Lynette
6- Addison asking to "snuggle mommy" every day
7-All my extra hours at the Y (its actually love/hate)

SIX places I'd like to visit someday:
1- St. Croix (Thank you Bachelor)

FIVE games I played as a child:
1- Hide & Seek
5- & of course countless hours making music videos/movies

FOUR things I'd rather never see again:
1- Apartment Life
2- Addison being Sick
3- Dirty Dishes
4-Any more RAIN this week.

THREE things I'd like to do this year:
1-Head back to Classes
2- Teach Addison how to Swim
3-Set a Wedding Date

TWO facts about me
1- I am a book worm.
2- I love musicals, but can't sing to save my life.

ONE meaning behind my blog name
1- There was this quote circulating around facebook and I fell in love with it. Sometimes I deal with difficulties as a young mom and this made perfect sense to me. "Some people said that my life ended when I had a baby, but my life had just began. You didn't take away from my future, you gave me a new one. Being a young mom means that we met a little early, but it also, means I get to love you a little longer." <3

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Saturday & Super Bowl Sunday!

Even Bear was still in bed when I left for work!
This Saturday started up my "working Saturdays". We have started Saturday practices for swim team & next week starts the Kids Triathlon training that I will be working with. I am thankful for the extra hours, but it was hard crawling out of bed!

Addison's CHEESY cheese!
After work, we met Feller, Vicky, Alli, & Arin for lunch at Five Guys. Addison was up at 6 AM this morning and on the way to Five Guys she fell asleep. She ended up staying asleep the whole time we were eating and missed out on a yummy lunch!

After lunch, we did a little shopping with Vicky & Alli at World Market, Michaels, & Target. I found some cute princess stuff for Addison's Valentine Basket.

We just hung out the rest of the afternoon with the Bylers and then headed back home.

Packed & ready for Gigi & Poppys!
We slept in and got ready to head to Navasota! It was a very quick last minute trip, but I am glad we decided to go!

We stopped by my parent's house and fed the ducks with Gigi & Poppy. They also showed us the duck's eggs! Sadly, as of today only one has survived :(

With Gigi by the pond
Then we headed to Aunt Gordie's & Uncle Frank's for some fajitas & the Super Bowl!
Kelsey & Addison
We didn't have any super bowl plans so I was thankful we made the trip to Nav so Addison & I had some company during the game.

We had a great time, ate WAYYY too much, & lost out on some sleep, but as always it was nice to hang with the family. Only a few more months & we will be much closer! YAY!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekday Randoms

Playing at home
As always I am behind on blogging about our days.
Off to run errands!
Most of our week was pretty low-key with just hanging at home and working in the afternoons.

My sweet lunch date. 
One day we ventured out for V-Day Errands for Addison's cards and then ate & played at Chick-fil-a.
Being Silly!
Thursday we went to the Little Gym & had a wonderful lunch at the Egg and I with Lynette. (Try their chicken salad sandwich YUM!)

Monkey at Little Gym 
Friday we went to open play at the Little Gym and Cameran got to come with us! 

Cam & I at Little Gym
 Addison got to show him what she learns every week. It was fun and Addison was happy to burn off some energy.

Playing with Daddy
Afterwards, we had Dinner at Whataburger with Uncle Feller & Aunt Vicky. We haven't seen them in a while so it was nice to catch up!

Addison at Whataburger

Friday, February 1, 2013



We finished up the rest of the garage sale. It was much slower than Friday, but we still made quite a bit for not having many "customers."
Trying on Shin Guards while we wait on customers
 It was fun hanging out with my Mom and Aunt Regina. We had lots of laughs and made some extra money for our future vacations. Addison's total was 227$ which is pretty great for selling only clothes! Her Disney Jar looks nice & full with her sales money.

Addison with her money!
Addison LOVES bathtime at Gigi's because of the crayons.
Even though we were all super tired from the late nights & really early mornings of the garage sale. We grabbed some subway & had a picnic at the park.

Uncle Wee-Wee & Addison
 It was such a beautiful day and nice to slow down our busy weekend just a little bit & enjoy each other.
Picnic time with BOTH of her Gigi's! (: 

Addison calls my sister Gigi as well as my mom. Its pretty funny because it drives my sister crazy & of course as the loving family we are, we encourage it. (: 

Swinging with Poppy
Addison & I headed home Saturday night. As always we were sad to leave, but we had a long road-trip back home ahead.


We slept in, relaxed, & unpacked.
Addison & I post run!
Addison hung out with Daddy while I went for a run with Bear. It was another beautiful day!

Shopping with mom & dad!

Then, we headed to the outlet mall. It really is convenient being 4 minutes away. 

It was the last day for gymbucks so Addison got a few summer outfits & Cameran got two new pairs of shoes.

 We finished up shopping & enjoyed the rest of the weekend snuggled up at home!