Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Saturday & Super Bowl Sunday!

Even Bear was still in bed when I left for work!
This Saturday started up my "working Saturdays". We have started Saturday practices for swim team & next week starts the Kids Triathlon training that I will be working with. I am thankful for the extra hours, but it was hard crawling out of bed!

Addison's CHEESY cheese!
After work, we met Feller, Vicky, Alli, & Arin for lunch at Five Guys. Addison was up at 6 AM this morning and on the way to Five Guys she fell asleep. She ended up staying asleep the whole time we were eating and missed out on a yummy lunch!

After lunch, we did a little shopping with Vicky & Alli at World Market, Michaels, & Target. I found some cute princess stuff for Addison's Valentine Basket.

We just hung out the rest of the afternoon with the Bylers and then headed back home.

Packed & ready for Gigi & Poppys!
We slept in and got ready to head to Navasota! It was a very quick last minute trip, but I am glad we decided to go!

We stopped by my parent's house and fed the ducks with Gigi & Poppy. They also showed us the duck's eggs! Sadly, as of today only one has survived :(

With Gigi by the pond
Then we headed to Aunt Gordie's & Uncle Frank's for some fajitas & the Super Bowl!
Kelsey & Addison
We didn't have any super bowl plans so I was thankful we made the trip to Nav so Addison & I had some company during the game.

We had a great time, ate WAYYY too much, & lost out on some sleep, but as always it was nice to hang with the family. Only a few more months & we will be much closer! YAY!

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