Friday, February 1, 2013



We finished up the rest of the garage sale. It was much slower than Friday, but we still made quite a bit for not having many "customers."
Trying on Shin Guards while we wait on customers
 It was fun hanging out with my Mom and Aunt Regina. We had lots of laughs and made some extra money for our future vacations. Addison's total was 227$ which is pretty great for selling only clothes! Her Disney Jar looks nice & full with her sales money.

Addison with her money!
Addison LOVES bathtime at Gigi's because of the crayons.
Even though we were all super tired from the late nights & really early mornings of the garage sale. We grabbed some subway & had a picnic at the park.

Uncle Wee-Wee & Addison
 It was such a beautiful day and nice to slow down our busy weekend just a little bit & enjoy each other.
Picnic time with BOTH of her Gigi's! (: 

Addison calls my sister Gigi as well as my mom. Its pretty funny because it drives my sister crazy & of course as the loving family we are, we encourage it. (: 

Swinging with Poppy
Addison & I headed home Saturday night. As always we were sad to leave, but we had a long road-trip back home ahead.


We slept in, relaxed, & unpacked.
Addison & I post run!
Addison hung out with Daddy while I went for a run with Bear. It was another beautiful day!

Shopping with mom & dad!

Then, we headed to the outlet mall. It really is convenient being 4 minutes away. 

It was the last day for gymbucks so Addison got a few summer outfits & Cameran got two new pairs of shoes.

 We finished up shopping & enjoyed the rest of the weekend snuggled up at home!

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