Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekday Randoms

Playing at home
As always I am behind on blogging about our days.
Off to run errands!
Most of our week was pretty low-key with just hanging at home and working in the afternoons.

My sweet lunch date. 
One day we ventured out for V-Day Errands for Addison's cards and then ate & played at Chick-fil-a.
Being Silly!
Thursday we went to the Little Gym & had a wonderful lunch at the Egg and I with Lynette. (Try their chicken salad sandwich YUM!)

Monkey at Little Gym 
Friday we went to open play at the Little Gym and Cameran got to come with us! 

Cam & I at Little Gym
 Addison got to show him what she learns every week. It was fun and Addison was happy to burn off some energy.

Playing with Daddy
Afterwards, we had Dinner at Whataburger with Uncle Feller & Aunt Vicky. We haven't seen them in a while so it was nice to catch up!

Addison at Whataburger

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