Saturday, January 9, 2016

Back to the Swing of Things

Monday: We had to get back in the swing of things. We didn't really have any plans except to get the house back in order, but Poppy called and asked to meet him for lunch! This is one of my favorite things about living in Katy. We can easily meet my dad for lunch during the week. So fun and always nice to spend some time with him! Bitty Baby got to tag along as well. 
After lunch, we ran a couple of errands and then home to clean! Addison played with play-doh while I cleaned in the kitchen. It kept her pretty busy for quite a while! 
Not the most exciting day, but as bummed as I was for Cam to go back to work it was nice getting back into our routine of things. 
I know they missed each other. After dinner, they played with Legos together until it was Addison's bedtime.  
Ended the day watching The Bachelor with my Toothless baby. Hoping it's a good season I love Ben!

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