Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year 2016

I'm not going to say I'm going to consistently start blogging this year because chances are I'm not. However, I'd really like to blog here & there as best as I can. So here's to 2016! 
We rang in the New Year with some great friends and toooons of fireworks.
It was a really fun night & we didn't get home until sometime around 3AM. When did we become partiers?! Hah! 

Addison slept in until 11:30am so Cam & I slept in pretty late as well. I'm always so thankful that Addison is a great sleeper and we all get to catch back up on our sleep pretty quickly. We finally got up & got dressed and headed over to Debbie & Tommy's house to spend New Year's Day with them. 

We played board games with Addison for most of the day. This one was super fun & Cam played when he was little. It's called the Grape Escape & your play-doh person gets chopped in half, smashed, or rolled. 
Here's my play-doh person getting chopped in half! 

The original Pie Face! How cool is that? 

Addison with Cameran's rolled play-doh person. This one was extra funny because he just picked to saw her in half! Payback. :) 

We also got a phone call from Frank & Gordie to pick up Addison & take to the American Girl Store for the Girl of the Year 2016. A tradition they always do with their daughter McKenzie. Well, Gigi already made a deal with Addison that she would get a "big girl doll" when she turned six so they brought her back a high chair that hooks onto the table for her bitty baby instead. That was a super fun surprise and hopefully we can join them next year. 

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