Monday, January 4, 2016

Last Christmas Round!

We had our last round of Christmas with Grandma Irma & family. 
It was so nice to see her & visit and a bonus both of my siblings were there! We had tamales & barbacoa (my fav!). It was so good. Cameran & my mom were there as well, but I guess they didn't make it in any pictures. 
We also got to see Karlee! Addison loved playing with her. They came out of Karlee's room maybe only twice the whole time we were there. I can't believe how big she has gotten. Time is flying by too quickly. 
When we got home, Addison finally got a chance to light her big giant sword sparkler from New Years. It was crazy, but didn't last very long. Not sure we'd buy it again. 
Ended our day with a bowl of Chili and getting ready for the week. How cute are these pioneer woman bowls? My Aunt Lori started the set for me for Christmas and I just need one more bowl to complete 6 settings. I love them & they match our kitchen perfectly! 

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