Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Friday (:

I am almost all caught up! Thankfully I was a little behind because we have just been hanging at home the past couple of days.

Watching us set up at 6 AM
We started our day bright & early (even Addison). We started setting up for the Yard Sale around 6 AM.
Helping us write prices.
It was a pretty busy morning and we spent most of the morning trying to organize everything.

One of the pictures I found! Me at one of my birthday parties.
While we were waiting for people to finish their "shopping" I cleaned out some of my bins in my parent's garage from my high school days. It was pretty funny & embarrassing to read letters from those days.  I'm very glad that time of my life is over! I can't believe I've been out of high school going on 4 years already.

We had a pretty successful morning and Addison's total for Friday was 159.85! It was great to see all the clothes I've had stored forever going to new homes!
Finally opening Christmas Presents!
Opening Birthday & Christmas!

After the Yard Sale was over, we rested for a while and then we headed over to see Heather & Caiden. (:
We haven't seen them in so long! It was nice to hang out & watch Caiden & Addison play. They were so much fun to watch. I'm pretty sure Heather & I could of watched them play all day.

Aren't they adorable?
They were so silly together & had a great time. So sad we don't get to see them more often!

We headed home & Addison crashed! She had a big day & even bigger one Saturday.

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