Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Second Day & Traffic

 Second Day of School. It was much easier for me the second day, but still hard. I get to walk her into the school the first three days and then after than she will be dropped off at the door. It made my heart happy that she wanted to hold hands all the way to her class. I know I'll forever remember this moment.
This day I went in the classroom with her, but I just stepped back & watched her put away all her things. When did she get so grown up? 

She was so excited to introduce me to her friends she made on the first day. We said our goodbyes & NO tears from me! I was very proud of myself. I had a busy morning of errands, but at one point during them I had a tear roll down my face. (I know. I'm a drama queen.) I'm so use to having to drag her along with me for every little thing & I'm not use to the quiet. I'm sure eventually I'll be embracing the peace, but this morning I was a little sad. (So of course that meant I went to Target & spent way too much money!) 

Tuesdays will probably be a little crazy for us. I got to the car rider line 40 mins early and I was the 10th car in line. Crazy. I know. I'm using this time to catch up on some reading. I have a book club meeting next week & it was a good excuse to start reading the book! 

We have ballet scheduled for Tuesdays right after school and I'm not sure if we are going to be able to keep her in it. We completely missed the class because of traffic. I'm going to try going a different route next week & also just hope that she gets bumped from the wait list for a later class. Addison was pretty bummed about not making it to class and it stinks she missed the first one. We took a "first day" of ballet picture anyways & hopefully we can actually make it to the class next week! 

Thankfully so far, packing lunch has been pretty easy. We had Hawaiian Pulled Pork for dinner & she requested it in her lunch. My favorite bento supplies has definitely been the baran. They are so cute, add a little fun, & help separate the food. 

Cameran has been working late the past two days and has been getting home right when its time for her to be in bed. Normally, I would just keep her up so they can hang out for a bit, but since she has to wake up so much earlier its been hard. He manage to make it home right in time for bedtime story.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

First Day of Kindergarten

The time has finally come for my sweet girl to start Kindergarten. I cannot believe that it is already here. Honestly, I have been very emotional about this chapter starting in our lives. Not only is she my only baby, but she hasn't been in preschool or even any Mother's Day Out programs. This will be her first "school" experience and also the first time I hand her off to someone else. It will be a big change for us and as it breaks my heart a bit, I know that we will be just fine.

I've been saving this book for almost a year now. Addison's fairy brought it to her Sunday morning so that we could read it together that night. She was so excited and I'm glad that we had a few extra special moments before bed that night.


Cameran went into work late this morning so he can come walk her in with me. It did throw off our usual morning schedule of getting dressed & out the door, but we made it there in plenty of time. Addison woke up to snapchats from my parents, a text from Peaches, and facetime call from Uncle Wee Wee. She loved that everyone was thinking about her & wishing her a great first day. This girl is SO loved.

My sister was starting her first day of Senior Year the same day & we kept talking about how cool it would be to somehow get a First Day of School picture with the two of them. Since they live about an hour away, it wasn't really possible to do it in the morning before school starts, so we had a practice First Day of School pictures on Saturday. I love that we did this.

Addison has been so excited for school to start and has been counting down the days every morning. She wanted to hold hands as we walked into the school, but when got to her classroom, she went right in. I'm so proud of how big and brave she was. I teared up a little bit as we said our goodbyes, but thankfully I made it home before the crying began.

I was anxious most of the day & kept checking the schedule to see what she was doing at that moment. I'm so glad I have sweet friends who called and messaged me! Thank you all for thinking of me! <3 Time went by much faster than I thought it would & I was so thankful. I couldn't wait to hear about her day. Sidenote: I'm super impressed by the efficiency and ease of the car rider pickup line. It was a breeze!

When she jumped in the car, she squeezed my arm, gave me a kiss, and said "Mommy can we watch Beauty & The Beast & snuggle on the couch?" It made me laugh and smile that that was the first thing she said. She also said she had a great day & was excited for tomorrow.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with lots of chatter about her day and school and of course lots of phone calls from everyone wanting to hear about her day. It was a rainy day so they stayed inside for recess and learned some dances with songs and she kept singing it the rest of the night.

We survived. I'm so thankful she loves school so far & I hope that it continues to be that way. Can't wait to hear about her day today!

Friday, January 15, 2016


Tuesday: We met family at Cracker Barrel for lunch. We try to get together at least once a month for a lunch date with my mom, aunts, and cousins! I love that we are all close enough to meet and have a good lunch and catch up with everyone. 
Afterwards, we had Art class at Memory Makers. Addison drew our pets and the pets she wishes she had. (More cats) 
We have the best little class! We've been in the class with the same kiddos for about a year now so they've all become sweet friends! 
Addison working on her painting. 
Next up is Swim Lessons. Tuesday is usually our busy day. When I joined the gym I got two months of free lessons & also used my LT bucks to redeem more lessons. They aren't my favorite, but I know I'm a tough critic when it comes to swim lessons. However it's keeping her in the water through the winter and she loves it. 
She is so funny about her Bitty Baby. She takes her everywhere and always has to dress her appropriately. She makes a good Mama! 
And lastly, we booked a snow vacation! We are going to New Mexico next month. It will be the first time for me & Addison to see real snow! It should be pretty fun! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Catch Up

Well, I am already kinda falling off the blogging wagon. So here's a big catch-up. 
Hanging with these cuties one morning. 
So I've been doing so much better about getting back to the gym. I was going 4-5 times a week, but then we went to Disney and I've been off track every since. Well, this particular morning Addison slept until 10am and I missed the Barbell Class I attend. Instead of just missing my workout for the day we went for a run when she woke up. This is a big victory for me because I do NOT like to run. 
Of course Bitty Baby had to tag along. She's been going everywhere with us. 
Saturday night we had Game Night at the Gorleys. The kiddos played together and the adults played cranium! One of my favs. 
It was so much fun & Cam & I totally dominated. We make a pretty good team! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

OOTD & Artic Art Adventure

I'm often asked where I shop for Addison so I thought it might be fun for every now & then to do an OOTD (Outfit of the Day) Addison Edition because we all know she dresses better than me! ;) So this outfit (Top, Pants & headband) is from my mom. She got them from one of my favorite boutiques called Paris Pink & Cowboy Blue. They are located in Navasota & that's probably a good thing otherwise I'd be dropping in all the time! Her sweater is a clearance find from The Children's Place and her Grey Booties are from Old Navy! 
On Tuesdays we have Preschool Art Class & Swim Lessons. She takes art from Ms. Debbie at Memory Makers. It's so cute & every month is themed. This month is an Artic Art Adventure. 
These two giggled and chatted the whole class. When did they grow up?
They also made a snowman out of clay. Addison decided to make a snow Dalmatian dog instead. I love that this class brings out their creativity and they are free to just create and play. It's awesome! 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Back to the Swing of Things

Monday: We had to get back in the swing of things. We didn't really have any plans except to get the house back in order, but Poppy called and asked to meet him for lunch! This is one of my favorite things about living in Katy. We can easily meet my dad for lunch during the week. So fun and always nice to spend some time with him! Bitty Baby got to tag along as well. 
After lunch, we ran a couple of errands and then home to clean! Addison played with play-doh while I cleaned in the kitchen. It kept her pretty busy for quite a while! 
Not the most exciting day, but as bummed as I was for Cam to go back to work it was nice getting back into our routine of things. 
I know they missed each other. After dinner, they played with Legos together until it was Addison's bedtime.  
Ended the day watching The Bachelor with my Toothless baby. Hoping it's a good season I love Ben!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Last Christmas Round!

We had our last round of Christmas with Grandma Irma & family. 
It was so nice to see her & visit and a bonus both of my siblings were there! We had tamales & barbacoa (my fav!). It was so good. Cameran & my mom were there as well, but I guess they didn't make it in any pictures. 
We also got to see Karlee! Addison loved playing with her. They came out of Karlee's room maybe only twice the whole time we were there. I can't believe how big she has gotten. Time is flying by too quickly. 
When we got home, Addison finally got a chance to light her big giant sword sparkler from New Years. It was crazy, but didn't last very long. Not sure we'd buy it again. 
Ended our day with a bowl of Chili and getting ready for the week. How cute are these pioneer woman bowls? My Aunt Lori started the set for me for Christmas and I just need one more bowl to complete 6 settings. I love them & they match our kitchen perfectly! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year 2016

I'm not going to say I'm going to consistently start blogging this year because chances are I'm not. However, I'd really like to blog here & there as best as I can. So here's to 2016! 
We rang in the New Year with some great friends and toooons of fireworks.
It was a really fun night & we didn't get home until sometime around 3AM. When did we become partiers?! Hah! 

Addison slept in until 11:30am so Cam & I slept in pretty late as well. I'm always so thankful that Addison is a great sleeper and we all get to catch back up on our sleep pretty quickly. We finally got up & got dressed and headed over to Debbie & Tommy's house to spend New Year's Day with them. 

We played board games with Addison for most of the day. This one was super fun & Cam played when he was little. It's called the Grape Escape & your play-doh person gets chopped in half, smashed, or rolled. 
Here's my play-doh person getting chopped in half! 

The original Pie Face! How cool is that? 

Addison with Cameran's rolled play-doh person. This one was extra funny because he just picked to saw her in half! Payback. :) 

We also got a phone call from Frank & Gordie to pick up Addison & take to the American Girl Store for the Girl of the Year 2016. A tradition they always do with their daughter McKenzie. Well, Gigi already made a deal with Addison that she would get a "big girl doll" when she turned six so they brought her back a high chair that hooks onto the table for her bitty baby instead. That was a super fun surprise and hopefully we can join them next year.