Thursday, January 14, 2016

Catch Up

Well, I am already kinda falling off the blogging wagon. So here's a big catch-up. 
Hanging with these cuties one morning. 
So I've been doing so much better about getting back to the gym. I was going 4-5 times a week, but then we went to Disney and I've been off track every since. Well, this particular morning Addison slept until 10am and I missed the Barbell Class I attend. Instead of just missing my workout for the day we went for a run when she woke up. This is a big victory for me because I do NOT like to run. 
Of course Bitty Baby had to tag along. She's been going everywhere with us. 
Saturday night we had Game Night at the Gorleys. The kiddos played together and the adults played cranium! One of my favs. 
It was so much fun & Cam & I totally dominated. We make a pretty good team! 

1 comment:

  1. #1 Don't feel bad about getting behind. Just blog when and what you want. I used to feel bad when I didn't post every m-f but had to get over that b/c life happens. I blog at least 3 times a week most of the time. But not every detail has to be documented.

    #2 Maybe if you don't always run you will learn to enjoy the sometimes running.
