Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent: Day 10

Happy Monday!

We spent most of the morning unpacking, doing laundry, and getting everything ready for the week ahead. It always takes a little while for us to get back into the routine of things.  It was a nice low-key morning.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was to go to the walk-thru Bethlehem. I have been to a drive-thru one before and it was really cool. I thought Addison would enjoy a walk-thru one because it was much more interactive. A few of the moms in our playgroup went the night before & really enjoyed it so we checked it out!  
Picking out a necklace from one of the Wise Men.

Cameran had a final so he was not able to come with us. I invited Arin & Vicky to come along & I am so glad they did. It was nice as always to spend some time with them & Addison loves 'Airbee" & "Bicky".

The Clear Lake United Methodist Church did a great job putting this on. I just wish it told a little more of the story of Jesus' Birth. It was still pretty interesting and I am glad we decided to go. We even had a Roman Empire actor tell Addison "I am suppose to be mean, but you are too cute!" It was too funny! 

Addison & the Camel
She loved the animals!
Afterwards, we headed to Mr. Gattis for some Pizza with Vicky & Arin. I let Addison sit in a chair & did fantastic! She is growing up way too fast!

Waiting for Box 10
When we got home Addison got to open her box for Day 10. I wasn't sure if she'd remember since we've skipped a couple of days. She was so happy when I brought her Day 10 box. She was probably glad that I was the one who didn't forget! 

Her prize today was more Santa Chocolates and of course they were a big hit!

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