Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Advent: Day 4

This morning I was woken up by Addison asking if she could snuggle. It is definitely one of the best ways to start your day!

"Mommy...I snuggles?"

Yes. My heart melted! It was just as great as her saying I love you or giving me one of her famous hugs!

We snuggled for a while, but then had to climb out of bed because we had a play-date this morning.

Addison & Katie chatting away!
 Our play date today was a book exchange at Challenger Park. Everyone brought a wrapped book and went home with a new book! Addison got The Velveteen Rabbit. It was such a great idea and it was also a fun day at the park.

Unwrapping her new book!
Yay! Velveteen Rabbit!
I'm glad we were able to venture out before we were cooped inside on this rainy day.

Julian & Addison
Chloe, Julian, Katie, & Addison swinging away!
Afterwards, we stopped to run a quick errand for our Christmas Activity of the day! I am not revealing what today's activity was just yet! (: Its a small gift for our family & once we send them off I'll share what it was.

Addison was so happy it was raining! She finally got to use her Rapunzel umbrella from Uncle Brandon & Aunt Jennifer.

The last event of our day was finally giving Addison her box of the day.  In today's box was four small chocolates wrapped up as Santa. She was so happy to have candy and she remembered what Santa looked like.

Opening box four!
The picture is a bit rough, but its been a full busy day & she has forfeited her nap this afternoon. Today was kinda backwards for us, but we still managed to make time for everything.

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