Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent: Day Two

It was another 80 degree day outside, but she insisted on wearing her fur coat! 
This morning as soon as we were all out of bed the first thing Addison said was "The box! The box! Snowman please!" I was so happy that she remembered our advent calender, but then I became worried she was going to expect candy everyday. Thankfully, that was not the case!

Checking out what's in box number two.
We gave her the day two box and she was excited! She pulled out her treat for the day and said "YAYY! Socks!" I am so thankful for my sweet girl who thinks its awesome to get Christmas socks!
Christmas Socks! 
She loved that they had candy canes on them.
 Then it was time for breakfast! Cameran made pancakes, bacon & sausage. YUMMY! We had fun with Addison's plate & made a snowman. She enjoyed our creation (especially the marshmallows) and ate the whole plate with second helpings of bacon.

Check out the Snowman's Bacon Scarf! (:

We had another uneventful day of relaxing & hanging out. It was quite nice. During Addison's nap, I started getting our Christmas activity of the day ready. We were going to make Christmas Tree Garland!
Getting the Paper Plate Trees ready!
It is VERY easy if you are looking for something fun to do with a little one! First, I painted paper plates, cut into quarters, green and let them dry while she was napping. When nap time was over, it was all ready to go! She decorated her trees with stickers, construction paper, markers, and glitter! (Yes, I was feeling pretty brave!)

Decorating the Trees with stickers!
Having fun coloring the trees!
It didn't matter how they ended up being decorated, so I let her have at it! I think the cuter ones are the ones with scribbles everywhere and upside down stickers anyways. (:

Close up of a few of the finished trees.
Afterwards, I glued them to ribbon and we hung up our beautiful Christmas Tree Garland. I'll have to take a better picture in the morning.
Finished Product
 Make sure to click on the garland picture for a little bit better of a view. Good night everyone & hope you guys are getting into the Christmas Spirit! (:

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