Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 11

I am finally back on track! Fingers crossed I don't get behind again.

My Sleeping Beauty
Well we are still getting a little adjusted to being back at home. Addison slept until after 9 this morning. I think she is still recouping from being away from home.

One of my mommy friends let me know that Netflix now has Disney Movies! Yes you guessed it! I spent most of my morning snuggled up with my sweet girl introducing her to a few Disney Classics! (Fox & the Hound, & Pocahontas) I am so excited.

Today's prize in box number 11 was glittery jingle bells! It was easy & was hours of entertainment. She liked to shake them & line them all up on the window sill.

Opening Day 11
I had to go back to work today after having a week off so I decided to keep our Christmas Activity of the day simple. I knew Addison would need to have time to get a good nap in before having to go to child watch for the afternoon. She ended up not napping at all of course.

Our activity was to learn a Christmas song! I picked Jingle Bells to coordinate with her bells she had gotten from box 11. I think we will try to sneak in another song or two before Christmas! 

We worked on Jingle Bells while I was washing the dishes and we also played with her bells and sang along. By the time we had to leave for work she could keep up.

    This is a video before I went to work. On the way home she could sing most of it all by herself. 

If you have ever been around Addison you would know she LOVES to sing. She knows the chorus to most songs on the radio, nursery rhymes, Disney songs, and her ABCs. I knew she'd have fun with this activity and hopefully I'll hear her start singing it because everyone knows "The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

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