Thursday, December 6, 2012

Advent: Day 6

It was another very busy day for us!

We had our Little Gym class at 9:30 & we were also heading to Navasota right afterwards. We woke up, packed, had breakfast, got dressed, & hit the ground running.

Addison had her Day 6 box before we headed off and it was the rest of the puppies! Even though she had already gotten puppies on Day Three she was just as excited to get them a second time. She ended up carrying them throughout our busy day of shopping.

I did not get to take any pictures at the Little Gym this week. We have constantly been on the go & Addison was pretty cranky. She is also still getting use to classes so it was a bit of a rough morning.

After The Little Gym, we hit the road to finish up our shopping & to head out to Navasota. We stopped at Ikea to pick up a small table & chairs for one of Addison's DIY Christmas presents. It turned out really cute.

I'll have to take a picture of it with the chair soon!
Its an Ikea table covered in cute princess fabric and covered in vinyl. Perfect to eat, color, paint, & play on! It can be easily wiped off & the vinyl can be easily replaced. I LOVE how it came out. We actually ended up giving it to her early. I couldn't help myself.

Can you tell she was tired?
Addison wanted to stop & lay in every bed at Ikea. She even climbed inside a tiny doll bed & said "Sleep Good. Night Night". My sweet girl was tired!

Addison & Kelsey waiting for the parade to start.
When we arrived in Navasota we had a few moments to unpack the car & then it was time for the Christmas Parade. We got to see McKenzie on the dance float, Seth with the band, & Will with the football players. It was just short enough to keep Addison's full attention.

Trevor, Kelsey, Addison, & I watching the parade.
After the Christmas Parade, we headed over to City Hall for the community pep rally for the Rattler playoff games. We could not really see much, but got to visit with old friends. Kelsey and I even tried to remember our dance to the fight song & Alma mater. We were pretty bad, but it has been four years since I last cheered for the Rattlers!

Checking out the tent before our big camp out!
Well our day wasn't over just yet! We still had our Christmas Activity of the day! We had an indoor camp out, "roasted" 'smores, & watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. It was nice to be able to do our Christmas Activity with my parents & siblings.
Aunt Morgan & Addison in their matching Christmas Aprons.
Making the 'smores mix.
 Morgan & Addison made our 'smores mix together. Morgan would fill up the measuring cup & Addison would pour it in the bowl. They even had matching aprons. They were so cute!

With their finished product
The Yummy 'Smores mix & Christmas cookie!
We also made regular 'smores in the oven & "roasted" them over our campfire (made of paper towel rolls & tissue paper). Then we all snuggled up in the tent & watched Rudolph.

Whew! It was a VERY busy day & finally time for bed. I am so thankful for these sweet memories with my family.

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