Friday, December 7, 2012

Advent: Day 7


I have been very excited about this day since I made our advent calender. Today is one of my favorite Christmas Activities I have planned, but I'll get to that shortly. (:

It's been over a year since I have gotten my haircut. Its been in pretty bad shape lately. The tips of it have even turned blonde from I'm assuming spending most of my summer days in the pool. I'm sure I could of easily gotten a haircut, but we are either always on the go and if we aren't I would just rather stay at home all day.

My sister and I
My mom scheduled a hair appointment for me this morning when we set our dates for when Addison & I were coming. Let me just say Thanks Mom! YOU ROCK! (: Who knew just a small haircut can make such a huge difference. I will definitely start taking out a little time for myself every now & then.

Afterwards, we headed to "the gate" for lunch. I have no idea what the real name to this place is, but its one of the best kept secrets in my hometown. I always order the same thing. Barbacoa on corn tortillas & cilantro & onions. YUMMY!  I sure have missed their tacos.

Then it was nap time & my family, Aunt Gordie, & Mimi headed to Humble for the Rattler Playoff game. I was babysitting McKenzie & Jenna and had fun things planned for us! Kelsey also came over after she was finished with her final.

McKenzie, Jenna, & Addison being silly.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was to make Christmas Cards & deliver them to the nursing home. It ended up being even better than I was expecting because it wasn't just Addison & I. We got to share this activity with Kelsey, McKenzie, Jenna, & my friend Britney & her son Jordan! (:

The girls working on their cards!
 First we had to make our cards. We made Santa hands, Christmas Tree Feet, cards from scrapbook paper & I also let the older girls draw Christmas pictures on some as well. We ended up making enough cards for three full hallways at the nursing home.

Our Santa Hand cards
 Also, Addison & I never got to our Christmas Activity of the day on Day Five. It was to paint a nutcracker ornament for my Aunt Gordie. She loves nutcrackers & gets a new one every Christmas. I saw the ornament at hobby lobby & thought it was perfect. My original plan was to help Addison paint it, but I went ahead and let her paint it all by herself while I helped the older girls make their Santa hand cards. The final product of the Nutcracker is quite interesting, but it was made with love. Gordie loved it anyways and called it the Nutcracker Massacre.

He's a little crazy looking!
We got all our cards ready and walked across the street to the nursing home. They told us we could drop them off at the desk or we could go door-to-door and deliver them ourselves.

               I tried to video her in action, but it was difficult. Here is one of the better videos.

Of course we decided to deliver them ourselves. Everyone wanted to hand out cards themselves so we split up the hallway and everyone got turns. Addison loved it and did such a great job. She would walk right into the room, hand them a card, & say "Mewwy Cwistmas!" She did not like passing up a single door without dropping in. The older girls did a great job as well. I was so proud of them all. It was such a fun trip & I'd love to make it a tradition.

Addison & Jordan with the cards.

The gang at the nursing home!
 Afterwards, we headed to Kelsey & McKenzie's house and had frito pies. Britney and Jordan came as well. It was so nice getting to catch up with her. I have missed that girl like crazy!

There was no better way to spend a Friday night! Thank all of you girls (& Jordan) for joining us and spreading some Christmas cheer. (: 

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