Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advent: Day 8 & 9

Has it already been a full week of December? Time is just flying by!

Today was a much slower day than the past few days & I was very thankful. It is always hard to find time to do everything I am wanting when I am in Navasota. I always want to see all the family, visit with friends, and have lots of crafting time with my mom. There just never enough time to pack everything in a couple of days.

I have been slacking on Addison's boxes. I even brought them to Navasota, but they are empty. I plan on using Monday to get everything together again. I think we are just going to skip them until then.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was to make Addison a nativity set. I've been eying the Little People Nativity Set, but its 25$. I've been trying to keep everything low cost because 25 days of activities can really add up. I also saw this handmade Nativity Set on Pinterest. I shared it with my mom and she found the cutest little nativity set people/animals to put on the wood blocks! 
Finish Product!
This whole project cost around 2$. I am so so happy with how it turned out. The people are so cute and Addison is able to tell what they are much easier than she would have with the silhouettes. (Thanks Mom!) 

We spent the rest of the day hanging out & watching Johnny Football win the Heisman! It was nice to spend the evening relaxing after our past super busy days.

On Sunday, we went to church. Another thing I really miss from Navasota is my Sunday School class. It is with some of the best people I know. I was so glad to be able to go & spend some time with these guys. Our lesson was about letting God interfere with our plans/life. It was something I really needed to hear especially with all of our changes coming up in the next semester.

Addison went to the 2 year old class and I was worried! She had the same teachers I had when I was little. I think my crazy girl would of been able to take them out! She ended up going with Mimi to the nursery and spending time with her & Mrs. Pat. 
My baby brother & I at "the gate"
After Church we ate at "the gate" again! Twice in a weekend...I'm a lucky girl! I'm thankful my family willingly ate there twice because I do not get to go there very often.

I wish we could of stayed longer, but it was time for us to head home and get ready for the upcoming week. I'm glad I had the chance to stay with them. I cannot wait until we are a little closer and its much easier to go visit.

Thanks for a wonderful weekend. I love you guys! (:

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