Monday, January 28, 2013

Catch Up!

I missed quite a few days last week so I gotta play a little catch up!

Crafting away!
On Wednesday Addison & I started on her Valentine Cards to send to Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles! It was a little bit harder than I was expecting and we still have quite a few to make. Hopefully we can finish or they may be a little different. I won't be posting pictures until after everyone receives theirs so no sneak peek just yet! (:

Addison can successfully do a forward roll! YAY! We've been working on it since we started our Little Gym classes.
Checking out the Ducks
We ended our day with a walk at the College of the Mainland pond with Lynette & her doggy Bailey. We also brought along Bear with us. It was relaxing, the weather was beautiful & the pond was filled with ducks!


She impressed me climbing this slide!

This was a super busy day for us!

Goofball only slides down backwards.

We celebrated Katie & Anisa's 2nd birthday at Fun Max Jump-In! I can't believe all the babies are turning two!

Aren't they so cute sitting together?

It was a really fun party! Inflatables are one of Addison's favorite things to do these days & not to mention I always feel like I get to sneak a good workout in.

We took a break from all the jumping, climbing, & sliding to eat some snacks & enjoy juice. Then it was time for a yummy cookie cake!

Time to dig in!
Cake Face! (:

We stayed for a bit longer and played. I was hoping to wear her out because we had a busy afternoon of packing, teaching a private swim lesson & heading to Navasota!

Bento Lunch for Childwatch

I lived in this area (Galveston/Texas City), going on 4 years. I have never driven by myself back home to Navasota. I have pretty awesome family & a loving fiance to drive Addison & I back and forth all these years. I know its only around a 2 hour drive, but I don't like to drive & I'm super afraid of Houston haha.
Saying goodbye to Daddy for the weekend!
Thursday night Addison & I drove by ourselves for the first time and it was a smooth easy trip! We headed to bed because we had an early morning for our yard sell!

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