Monday, January 14, 2013

Where Did My Baby Go?

I've been wondering for quite a while when Addison transformed from a baby into a little girl. I think I missed it while I was sleeping one night. I knew she has been getting big, but it didn't REALLY hit me until this weekend.
Just a couple days short of being a year difference!
We had a very unproductive s l o w weekend & it was just what we needed after being away from home the past month of weekends. We caught up on TV, watched some football, hung out at home, and cleaned just a tiny bit. It was relaxing & wonderful. Cameran & I were able to just sit & watch Addison play. I guess slowing down our busy schedule made me fully of aware of just how much she has grown up. I understand now why so many of my "mommy friends" are starting to expand their family. (No worries, we won't be catching baby fever around here anytime soon!)

One piece of advice I have been given over & over since Addison was a newborn is to make sure I soak up EVERY single moment, good or bad, because it will be over before you know it. & oh man its true. My baby (who will forever be my baby) is growing up. We still have a lonnnng way to go, but I was reminded this weekend to slow down sometimes & just watch her play. (:

I couldn't end today's post without these two videos of Addison singing!

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