Sunday, January 20, 2013

Spazmatics & Workouts

"Joey" from Spazmatics
Friday I had a busy evening planned. We had our monthly MNO for our playgroup & I was going to a Spazmatics show with my friend Lynette.

I ended up not being able to make the MNO dinner, but the Spazmatic show started at 10:15 so I was still able to go. I was worried all day about not being able to stay awake & being too tired to enjoy myself, but I was wrong!

Our View of the Show!
It was such a FUN show & I am now a Spazmatic Addict. If you have never been to their show they come to Webster once a month. Lynette & I have decided to make it our monthly "date night" together.
Lynette & I with our favorite Spaz after the show.
It was great to catch up with Lynette. She is one of my besties. When I met her at our trainings for swim instructor we instantly clicked & I feel like we've been great friends forever. I'm so glad we share a love of nerds & 80s music. (:

Sweaty Post Run!
 In other news, I am still going strong on working out. Its only been 5 days, but I've manage to go workout at least once, sometimes twice a day. Maybe it won't be so hard to keep up, but we'll see!

Playing with Gigi.
Snuggles with Sleepy Poppy.
 Other than that, its been pretty low key at home. We got a short visit on Saturday from Gigi, Poppy, & Morgan and did a little deep cleaning.

Addison playing dress up.
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend! (:

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