Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I know its probably not that cold to some people, but to me...YIKES!
This cold & rainy weather has been pretty dreary lately. I'm SO ready for the blistering heat to come back. Its no fun staying cooped up inside all of the time especially with my little bundle of energy.

We decided to make the best of this yucky weather & went to the Freeman Library for Toddler Story time.
Katie & Addison showing off their craft!
Today's theme was Peace for MLK day! We read a cute book on Peace, sang songs, & had a short & sweet craft. We stamped our hand on a Peace banner for the library & also on a paper to take home.
 Then we met Arin for lunch at Panda Express. Addison actually turned down all of the Panda Express food & wanted her Bento Box! (YAY!)

For Christmas, I got cute Bento Boxes and other fun Bento supplies from my mom. We are still experimenting with everything & I've been using other blogs/pinterest for inspiration. I saw a really cute monkey muffin & tried to re-create it. I actually needed regular sized Nilla Wafers for his mouth, but he is still cute.

We've been having so much fun with Bento snacks/lunches. They are fun to make & Addison is eating better & healthier.
Today's Bento
 Next, we were off to Ulta to help Arin pick out a color to dye her hair. Addison and I headed home for nap-time before she was finished, but it was great hanging out for a little bit. (She texted me a picture afterwards & it looks great!) Addison loveesss her some "Airbee".

Snuggles with Arin in Ulta!
With the weather being so cold they aren't allowed to open the pool so I've had the night off from work. Addison watched Lion King while I caught up on the Bachelor (my guilty pleasure).

Playing with her Leap-pad!
Then we played on her leap-pad 2 she got from Christmas. Right now her favorite thing is to bathe, feed, and play fetch with the puppy on it. Its pretty funny to watch her play. She gets so excited about it.
Being Silly with Daddy.
We had a nice low-key night and now its bedtime for us! Crazy day tomorrow.

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