Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Triathlons & Gym Time

Today was a weird, but great day for us. I had to go to the Trotter Family YMCA for Kids Triathlon Training. It was about an hour drive and I made it through crazy Houston (BIG accomplishment for someone who got their license at 19 & hates to drive).

Addison's Bento Lunch today.
We left home a little early to meet with my mom beforehand. THANKS MOM!!! She took Addison to the mall while I was in training & it was such a big help to me. Addison came back with two super cute pj's from the Disney Store & I'm sure she loved spending some time with Gigi.
Roadtrip today!
Thankfully, the training was short & sweet. It kind of convinced me that I need to try a triathlon in the future. Maybe I'll add this to one of my goals.

Speaking of goals I finally decided to start working on one of mine. Its already halfway though January so I better get to it! (:

Apartment Gym
 I woke up at 5:30 this morning with my friend Heather (lives 2 hours away) and we worked out "together". It was helpful having someone up at the exact same time and doing the same workout. I guess knowing someone else was suffering with me made it more doable.

We ran 2 miles this morning & did various cardio exercises. Working out always makes me feel so much better. I don't know why I always put it off. I had a GREAT day even sitting through a training and I really think it was because I started my day off right. 

I was even brave enough to go back to the gym tonight & made it through 2 more miles. I am pretty proud of myself. Please say a prayer that I stick with it.

Well, I won't blog much about working out because I think it gets kind of boring, but I did want to share that I have started one of my goals.

1 comment:

  1. I have got to try out the Bento Boxes. They look like fun and it might help Sarah eat more. Blogging about working out keeps you accountable.
