Friday, January 18, 2013


Happy Friday! (:

Hope everyone has a great day!

I saw this quiz blog-post on my friend Carly's blog & thought I'd participate as well!

What is the wall paper on your cell phone?
My two loves. (: This has been my longest lasting wallpaper. I usually change it to various pictures of Addison.

What do you keep beside your bed?

I don't have a bedside table, but right next to my side of the bed is water bottles. I go through water like crazy & always wake up several times during the night (not a good sleeper) & want water.

What is your least favorite chore?

 Putting away laundry! I don't mind washing them & I don't mind folding them, but for some reason putting it away is awful. This is the after picture of a recent clean out Addison's closet project. I'm too embarrassed to post the before. YIKES!

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine what would it be?

 Sleep. I'd love to be able to not ever sleep & have way more time to do things.

What do you do to vent anger?

I'm a big baby & a crier. I cry for pretty much every emotion.

What is your favorite holiday of the year & why?
 Now that I have Addison my favorite is probably Halloween right now. She loves trick or treating, Dewberry Farm, pumpkins, and she is my October baby. I'm sure this will change as she gets older, but right now that one is really fun! Christmas is a close second.

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