Sunday, January 13, 2013


Well, I have gotten so far behind on my blog and have been dreading on catching up, so I decided I won't. I'll just start fresh again & hopefully stay somewhat on top of things. Let's see how this goes! (:

Addison on NYE. She made it to 11:30 & barely missed the New Year.

I cannot believe that it is already 2013. Time just keeps speeding up as I get older, but this is a year I have been looking forward to for quite a while now. There is a lot I would like to get accomplished before the year ends & thought I'd share my 2013 goals with you.

2013 Goals:
 1. Blog Consistently! We have a big year coming up for my family & I and I would like to be able to look back at how far we've come. Also, since I have only scrap-booked about 3 pages of Addison's life, I think blogging is another great way to keep track of our memories.

2. Move. Cameran is graduating in May & a week later starts his new job. We will be moving somewhere in the Katy/Cypress area. I am sad to say goodbye to friends, my job, and just this area I've grown to love, but I am SO excited to start this next chapter of our lives.

3. Find a Church. I'd like for us to regularly attend church & become involved members. We haven't been the best about looking around for a church, but this year I'd love to accomplish this.

4. Get Back into School (NOT online). BIG GOAL for me & I'd like to make this happen even if it just means I'm enrolled for Spring 2014.

5. Add Working Out into my Daily Routine. I'd like to make it just part of my daily life. I need to get into shape & live a healthier lifestyle.

6. More Date Nights with Cameran. As much as we love hanging out just the three of us, we definitely need to set aside time for just the two of us.

7. Finally Set a Date! or just Elope :)  

Even though its 12 days late these are my 2013 goals! What are your goals for this year?

Addison & Alli on New Year's Eve

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