Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 11

I am finally back on track! Fingers crossed I don't get behind again.

My Sleeping Beauty
Well we are still getting a little adjusted to being back at home. Addison slept until after 9 this morning. I think she is still recouping from being away from home.

One of my mommy friends let me know that Netflix now has Disney Movies! Yes you guessed it! I spent most of my morning snuggled up with my sweet girl introducing her to a few Disney Classics! (Fox & the Hound, & Pocahontas) I am so excited.

Today's prize in box number 11 was glittery jingle bells! It was easy & was hours of entertainment. She liked to shake them & line them all up on the window sill.

Opening Day 11
I had to go back to work today after having a week off so I decided to keep our Christmas Activity of the day simple. I knew Addison would need to have time to get a good nap in before having to go to child watch for the afternoon. She ended up not napping at all of course.

Our activity was to learn a Christmas song! I picked Jingle Bells to coordinate with her bells she had gotten from box 11. I think we will try to sneak in another song or two before Christmas! 

We worked on Jingle Bells while I was washing the dishes and we also played with her bells and sang along. By the time we had to leave for work she could keep up.

    This is a video before I went to work. On the way home she could sing most of it all by herself. 

If you have ever been around Addison you would know she LOVES to sing. She knows the chorus to most songs on the radio, nursery rhymes, Disney songs, and her ABCs. I knew she'd have fun with this activity and hopefully I'll hear her start singing it because everyone knows "The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent: Day 10

Happy Monday!

We spent most of the morning unpacking, doing laundry, and getting everything ready for the week ahead. It always takes a little while for us to get back into the routine of things.  It was a nice low-key morning.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was to go to the walk-thru Bethlehem. I have been to a drive-thru one before and it was really cool. I thought Addison would enjoy a walk-thru one because it was much more interactive. A few of the moms in our playgroup went the night before & really enjoyed it so we checked it out!  
Picking out a necklace from one of the Wise Men.

Cameran had a final so he was not able to come with us. I invited Arin & Vicky to come along & I am so glad they did. It was nice as always to spend some time with them & Addison loves 'Airbee" & "Bicky".

The Clear Lake United Methodist Church did a great job putting this on. I just wish it told a little more of the story of Jesus' Birth. It was still pretty interesting and I am glad we decided to go. We even had a Roman Empire actor tell Addison "I am suppose to be mean, but you are too cute!" It was too funny! 

Addison & the Camel
She loved the animals!
Afterwards, we headed to Mr. Gattis for some Pizza with Vicky & Arin. I let Addison sit in a chair & did fantastic! She is growing up way too fast!

Waiting for Box 10
When we got home Addison got to open her box for Day 10. I wasn't sure if she'd remember since we've skipped a couple of days. She was so happy when I brought her Day 10 box. She was probably glad that I was the one who didn't forget! 

Her prize today was more Santa Chocolates and of course they were a big hit!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advent: Day 8 & 9

Has it already been a full week of December? Time is just flying by!

Today was a much slower day than the past few days & I was very thankful. It is always hard to find time to do everything I am wanting when I am in Navasota. I always want to see all the family, visit with friends, and have lots of crafting time with my mom. There just never enough time to pack everything in a couple of days.

I have been slacking on Addison's boxes. I even brought them to Navasota, but they are empty. I plan on using Monday to get everything together again. I think we are just going to skip them until then.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was to make Addison a nativity set. I've been eying the Little People Nativity Set, but its 25$. I've been trying to keep everything low cost because 25 days of activities can really add up. I also saw this handmade Nativity Set on Pinterest. I shared it with my mom and she found the cutest little nativity set people/animals to put on the wood blocks! 
Finish Product!
This whole project cost around 2$. I am so so happy with how it turned out. The people are so cute and Addison is able to tell what they are much easier than she would have with the silhouettes. (Thanks Mom!) 

We spent the rest of the day hanging out & watching Johnny Football win the Heisman! It was nice to spend the evening relaxing after our past super busy days.

On Sunday, we went to church. Another thing I really miss from Navasota is my Sunday School class. It is with some of the best people I know. I was so glad to be able to go & spend some time with these guys. Our lesson was about letting God interfere with our plans/life. It was something I really needed to hear especially with all of our changes coming up in the next semester.

Addison went to the 2 year old class and I was worried! She had the same teachers I had when I was little. I think my crazy girl would of been able to take them out! She ended up going with Mimi to the nursery and spending time with her & Mrs. Pat. 
My baby brother & I at "the gate"
After Church we ate at "the gate" again! Twice in a weekend...I'm a lucky girl! I'm thankful my family willingly ate there twice because I do not get to go there very often.

I wish we could of stayed longer, but it was time for us to head home and get ready for the upcoming week. I'm glad I had the chance to stay with them. I cannot wait until we are a little closer and its much easier to go visit.

Thanks for a wonderful weekend. I love you guys! (:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Advent: Day 7


I have been very excited about this day since I made our advent calender. Today is one of my favorite Christmas Activities I have planned, but I'll get to that shortly. (:

It's been over a year since I have gotten my haircut. Its been in pretty bad shape lately. The tips of it have even turned blonde from I'm assuming spending most of my summer days in the pool. I'm sure I could of easily gotten a haircut, but we are either always on the go and if we aren't I would just rather stay at home all day.

My sister and I
My mom scheduled a hair appointment for me this morning when we set our dates for when Addison & I were coming. Let me just say Thanks Mom! YOU ROCK! (: Who knew just a small haircut can make such a huge difference. I will definitely start taking out a little time for myself every now & then.

Afterwards, we headed to "the gate" for lunch. I have no idea what the real name to this place is, but its one of the best kept secrets in my hometown. I always order the same thing. Barbacoa on corn tortillas & cilantro & onions. YUMMY!  I sure have missed their tacos.

Then it was nap time & my family, Aunt Gordie, & Mimi headed to Humble for the Rattler Playoff game. I was babysitting McKenzie & Jenna and had fun things planned for us! Kelsey also came over after she was finished with her final.

McKenzie, Jenna, & Addison being silly.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was to make Christmas Cards & deliver them to the nursing home. It ended up being even better than I was expecting because it wasn't just Addison & I. We got to share this activity with Kelsey, McKenzie, Jenna, & my friend Britney & her son Jordan! (:

The girls working on their cards!
 First we had to make our cards. We made Santa hands, Christmas Tree Feet, cards from scrapbook paper & I also let the older girls draw Christmas pictures on some as well. We ended up making enough cards for three full hallways at the nursing home.

Our Santa Hand cards
 Also, Addison & I never got to our Christmas Activity of the day on Day Five. It was to paint a nutcracker ornament for my Aunt Gordie. She loves nutcrackers & gets a new one every Christmas. I saw the ornament at hobby lobby & thought it was perfect. My original plan was to help Addison paint it, but I went ahead and let her paint it all by herself while I helped the older girls make their Santa hand cards. The final product of the Nutcracker is quite interesting, but it was made with love. Gordie loved it anyways and called it the Nutcracker Massacre.

He's a little crazy looking!
We got all our cards ready and walked across the street to the nursing home. They told us we could drop them off at the desk or we could go door-to-door and deliver them ourselves.

               I tried to video her in action, but it was difficult. Here is one of the better videos.

Of course we decided to deliver them ourselves. Everyone wanted to hand out cards themselves so we split up the hallway and everyone got turns. Addison loved it and did such a great job. She would walk right into the room, hand them a card, & say "Mewwy Cwistmas!" She did not like passing up a single door without dropping in. The older girls did a great job as well. I was so proud of them all. It was such a fun trip & I'd love to make it a tradition.

Addison & Jordan with the cards.

The gang at the nursing home!
 Afterwards, we headed to Kelsey & McKenzie's house and had frito pies. Britney and Jordan came as well. It was so nice getting to catch up with her. I have missed that girl like crazy!

There was no better way to spend a Friday night! Thank all of you girls (& Jordan) for joining us and spreading some Christmas cheer. (: 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Advent: Day 6

It was another very busy day for us!

We had our Little Gym class at 9:30 & we were also heading to Navasota right afterwards. We woke up, packed, had breakfast, got dressed, & hit the ground running.

Addison had her Day 6 box before we headed off and it was the rest of the puppies! Even though she had already gotten puppies on Day Three she was just as excited to get them a second time. She ended up carrying them throughout our busy day of shopping.

I did not get to take any pictures at the Little Gym this week. We have constantly been on the go & Addison was pretty cranky. She is also still getting use to classes so it was a bit of a rough morning.

After The Little Gym, we hit the road to finish up our shopping & to head out to Navasota. We stopped at Ikea to pick up a small table & chairs for one of Addison's DIY Christmas presents. It turned out really cute.

I'll have to take a picture of it with the chair soon!
Its an Ikea table covered in cute princess fabric and covered in vinyl. Perfect to eat, color, paint, & play on! It can be easily wiped off & the vinyl can be easily replaced. I LOVE how it came out. We actually ended up giving it to her early. I couldn't help myself.

Can you tell she was tired?
Addison wanted to stop & lay in every bed at Ikea. She even climbed inside a tiny doll bed & said "Sleep Good. Night Night". My sweet girl was tired!

Addison & Kelsey waiting for the parade to start.
When we arrived in Navasota we had a few moments to unpack the car & then it was time for the Christmas Parade. We got to see McKenzie on the dance float, Seth with the band, & Will with the football players. It was just short enough to keep Addison's full attention.

Trevor, Kelsey, Addison, & I watching the parade.
After the Christmas Parade, we headed over to City Hall for the community pep rally for the Rattler playoff games. We could not really see much, but got to visit with old friends. Kelsey and I even tried to remember our dance to the fight song & Alma mater. We were pretty bad, but it has been four years since I last cheered for the Rattlers!

Checking out the tent before our big camp out!
Well our day wasn't over just yet! We still had our Christmas Activity of the day! We had an indoor camp out, "roasted" 'smores, & watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. It was nice to be able to do our Christmas Activity with my parents & siblings.
Aunt Morgan & Addison in their matching Christmas Aprons.
Making the 'smores mix.
 Morgan & Addison made our 'smores mix together. Morgan would fill up the measuring cup & Addison would pour it in the bowl. They even had matching aprons. They were so cute!

With their finished product
The Yummy 'Smores mix & Christmas cookie!
We also made regular 'smores in the oven & "roasted" them over our campfire (made of paper towel rolls & tissue paper). Then we all snuggled up in the tent & watched Rudolph.

Whew! It was a VERY busy day & finally time for bed. I am so thankful for these sweet memories with my family.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Advent: Day 5

This morning we woke up, ate breakfast, & got dressed because Gigi was coming over! YAY! (:

Wednesdays are usually really long days for us. Cameran leaves for school/work around 8:30ish and isn't home until around 10 PM. Its just us girls by ourselves for quite a while. I was very glad my mom was coming. We'd have some company & its always wonderful to have "mommy time".

While we were waiting for Gigi's arrival, I let Addison have her box of the day. Today her prize was a Rapunzel bracelet. Addison is all about Rapunzel. It is one of her favorite princesses along with Tiana & Cinderella.

When Gigi arrived we headed off to the outlet mall for a fun day of shopping! Addison + Gigi = one broke Poppi. (Sorry Dad!)

We were at the outlet mall for quite a while. It was a great trip, super yummy lunch, & Addison got a few Christmas presents along with a new winter wardrobe.  Now if it would only get cool so she can wear everything.

I also found her Christmas ornament for 2012. Growing up my siblings & I always got a new ornament every Christmas to represent something from the year. It was always so fun & special to get to look back at the years while decorating the tree. I have been on the lookout for Addison's ornament this year & nothing had really caught my eye. The Disney store was having an awesome deal on their ornaments and I found one for my sweet girl.

The Minnie Mouse is her 2012 ornament and the Mickey well, we couldn't pass him up. (: Addison has been all about Minnie Mouse this past year. She is slowly starting to drift toward princesses instead, but she is still my Minnie girl for now.

I handed her this ornament in the Disney store today and she started singing Happy Birthday. She loves to sing Happy Birthday and thinks every cake, cupcake, and candles needs the Happy Birthday song. It was a perfect match to my Addiebear.

When we got home we all crashed. Shopping can really wear a girl out. We did not even get to do our Christmas Activity of the day, but we can push it to tomorrow.

This post is short & sweet today. I'll be more on my A game tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Advent: Day 4

This morning I was woken up by Addison asking if she could snuggle. It is definitely one of the best ways to start your day!

"Mommy...I snuggles?"

Yes. My heart melted! It was just as great as her saying I love you or giving me one of her famous hugs!

We snuggled for a while, but then had to climb out of bed because we had a play-date this morning.

Addison & Katie chatting away!
 Our play date today was a book exchange at Challenger Park. Everyone brought a wrapped book and went home with a new book! Addison got The Velveteen Rabbit. It was such a great idea and it was also a fun day at the park.

Unwrapping her new book!
Yay! Velveteen Rabbit!
I'm glad we were able to venture out before we were cooped inside on this rainy day.

Julian & Addison
Chloe, Julian, Katie, & Addison swinging away!
Afterwards, we stopped to run a quick errand for our Christmas Activity of the day! I am not revealing what today's activity was just yet! (: Its a small gift for our family & once we send them off I'll share what it was.

Addison was so happy it was raining! She finally got to use her Rapunzel umbrella from Uncle Brandon & Aunt Jennifer.

The last event of our day was finally giving Addison her box of the day.  In today's box was four small chocolates wrapped up as Santa. She was so happy to have candy and she remembered what Santa looked like.

Opening box four!
The picture is a bit rough, but its been a full busy day & she has forfeited her nap this afternoon. Today was kinda backwards for us, but we still managed to make time for everything.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent: Day Three

Happy Monday!

I'm usually not a big fan of Mondays, but I am very excited to get this show on the road. We have lots of fun things planned ahead this week. It is going to be a great one!

This morning was pretty low key. Addison was excited to see her treat in box number three. Now, all I have to say is "Are you ready for your box?" and she runs to her Minnie Mouse chair. I'm so glad she is getting the hang of this and thankfully she patiently waits until the next day for a new box.
Looking in Box Three
Today's surprise was four toy puppies. I saw these when we were picking up supplies for our advent calendar and knew she'd love them. They also were small enough to fit into the boxes so it was perfect.
Lining them up beside Bear
These entertained her all day. She would make them run around and bark & howl. She also liked to line them up right beside Bear. I've had my eye on similar toys at the Disney Store. Maybe Santa will leave some in her stocking! (:

It was just too nice outside to stay inside all day. We needed to drop off our rent for this month, so we took it as an opportunity for a lovely stroll around our apartment complex. Of course, we had to bring Bitty Baby with us. Addison pushed her baby's stroller the whole time & would not let me help at all. She is such an independent little stinker!

Enjoying our stroll this morning! 
Waiting in the Leasing Office
Addison was in dress up mode today. Of course when she brought out her Rapunzel braid we had to sing her favorite Tangled song.

Our Christmas Activity of the day was going to the Dickinson Festival of Lights. It is a free light display to walk through at a park and there are TONS of lights! It ended up being much better than I had expected. The only thing I would of liked to change was the weather. It was really hot & humid.
Light Tunnel
We brought the stroller with us because we weren't sure what to expect. It ended up not being crowded so Cameran bought her some popcorn and we let her walk. She was amazed by all of the lights and loved pointing everything out to us.
Always have to support our Aggies!

I'm glad one of the girls from our playgroup suggested this because it was a fun evening out for us! 

Addison & I in the Princess Castle of Lights
He's the Reason for the Season!